When I was researching Zombie Road I came across the clip for Children of the Grave. It won the Best Paranormal Documentary of 2008 and was produced by the same people who made Spooked: The Ghosts of Waverly Hills Sanatorium. Zombie Road factors into it, as it is one ofContinue Reading

Tonight’s Ghost Adventures episode has Zak, Nick, and Aaron heading across the border to Old Fort Erie in Fort Erie, Ontario, Canada. ABOUT THE FORT It was Ontario’s first fort (built by the British in 1764). It served as a base for British troops, Loyalist Rangers and Iroquois Warriors duringContinue Reading

  As you might expect, the Travel Channel is one of my favorite channels to watch. Besides Ghost Adventures (which is probably my fave Travel Channel show), I also like Anthony Bourdain’s No Reservations, Mysteries at the Museum, Man v. Food, and Samantha Brown. And of course I love all of theContinue Reading

Josh Murphy of Rocket City Paranormal wrote a neat post on his Life of a Ghost Hunter blog earlier this week: Paranormal TV show explosion! Not only did he plead with people to understand that all the ghost hunting shows on TV are for entertainment purposes only, he called out a groupContinue Reading

Thanks to someone affiliated with promoting Ghost Adventures I had a chance to watch tonight’s Vulture Mine episode ahead of time. What a place! I’m not going to give away any spoilers (exactly). I’ll let you enjoy the episode as it happens. THERE SHE BLOWS! But I will say this: I used toContinue Reading

  Mr. Skull may be one of the culprits that crashed my computer. He had a reason to be mad at me. He didn’t much like this video I made of him, which, thanks to a data rescue feature on my fix-it disk, I was able to retrieve. Now youContinue Reading

He probably would prefer I didn’t, but I have to thank paranormal pop culture expert and journalist Aaron Sagers (whose work can be found on Pop Matters and who founded Paranormal Pop Culture) for making this interview with Kris Williams of Ghost Hunters happen. I view it as a big coup for myContinue Reading

People seem to get freaked out by dolls so, with Halloween looming, I thought that’d make a good Halloween week Movie Monday offering. I tried to find some of the freakiest, creepiest doll video clips on YouTube that I could. Here’s three that I thought were great. Very atmospheric and haunting –inContinue Reading

I thought I’d do something a little different again for Movie Monday: list the horror movies I’m watching this Halloween season. It was  inspired by last week’s Movie Monday Party Express stop to Nate’s Peer Review and his Part 1 review of Halloween film classics, as well as by some ofContinue Reading

THE SAGA OF HOW WE LEARNED ABOUT THE MEAN KITTY SONG If you follow HJ on Facebook you might’ve seen my posts (rants and raves) about my computer crashing late last week. Because it’ll take 7 to 10 business days for a fix-it disk to arrive, I opted to buyContinue Reading

The Daily News wrote about how the “Devil” trailer evoked laughs from the audience at an “Inception” screening, but the article ended with this glimmer of hope: “Its mysterious nature…suggest that Shyamalan is planning a return to form.” I’m hoping so. The Sixth Sense was so WOW! Unbreakable was okay.Continue Reading

Last week I received an email with the subject line “Why did Ghost Hunters do this?” Well of course that piqued my interest and I opened it, even though I didn’t recognize the sender’s ID. But let me pause here for a second. While I’m on the topic of IDs…notContinue Reading