Haunt Jaunts is actively seeking paranormal events and true ghost stories for new pages and features we’re adding around here. PARANORMAL EVENTS As you may have noticed, Haunt Jaunts has spent some time this summer posting upcoming paranormal events each week. (Or every couple of weeks, depending on the frequencyContinue Reading

Due to my tennis schedule, I slacked the past few weeks on reporting about upcoming paranormal events that have hit my radar. Sadly a few have come and gone in that time that I couldn’t list. However, here’s a few I can still report on. They include both physical eventsContinue Reading

Posting paranormal events as I find them seems to be working pretty good. I do believe I’ll be sticking with this process for the foreseeable future. Even cooler, this batch of paranormal events was all acquired by people telling me about them. My friend told me about the one inContinue Reading

I was trying to get the jump on the day by writing about Friday the 13th events earlier in the week. Of course once Friday the 13th hit, I discovered three other noteworthy events to share. “Ghost Tails” Charity Dog Walk & Ghost Tour – I received an “Eerie E-vite”Continue Reading

Other than watching one of the Friday the 13th movies (usually either the first or second one, because those two are my favorites), I don’t believe I’ve ever been to any Friday the 13th events. I’d like to, though. (As long as no hockey mask-wearing serial killers were going toContinue Reading

Okay, so I keep coming across paranormal events. Please bear with me as I continue to tweak my reporting of them. Still trying to figure out the best way to share them. The week they happen seems too little time. (Unless , of course, I’ve just learned of them theContinue Reading

Well, I’m already going to start cheating a bit on my weekly paranormal events reports. Maybe “cheating” isn’t the right word. “Modifying” my approach may be more appropriate. There wasn’t a whole heck of a lot going on for this week. Then I decided maybe it’d be better to giveContinue Reading

  I’ve been getting more and more paranormal event invites on Facebook. Sometimes I remember to share them on HJ’s FB page. Other times I don’t. When I don’t share them I feel bad. I want to help spread the word when I can. I’m just not always consistent aboutContinue Reading

I came by my love of mysteries and the paranormal (and maybe even haunted travels?) honestly: via TV in the form of a lovable little cartoon called Scooby Doo.  I wondered what Scooby Doo characters might say about the Haunt Jaunts Halloween in the Bermuda Triangle Cruise. I found aContinue Reading

After I posted 19 Horror and Paranormal Events and Conferences for 2012 and Beyond, I came across five more. One is coming up pretty quick, but the others give you a little more lead time on getting to them. And when you’re planning your jaunts, don’t forget about HJ’s HalloweenContinue Reading

We want YOU….to come cruise with us! We just hope our Director of Paranormal Tourism’s singing doesn’t scare you away. That’s perhaps more frightening than the Bermuda Triangle itself!  Continue Reading

Guess what season it is? Still Winter, technically. Ha! Did I getcha? Seriously though, I can tell Spring is drawing near. Lately I’m seeing more and more horror and paranormal events being advertised, something that’s sort of dead in Winter (pun intended). Here’s the ones I’ve seen so far. IfContinue Reading