The Hitchhiking Ghosts from a Disney World ticket pass

Happy almost Halfway-to-Halloween, fellow Foolish Mortals! Looks like we have a treat coming our way this month with the release of The Hitchhiking Ghosts series. But in a crazy twist, it will be on Netflix instead of Disney+. What? Why? How? Let’s first take a peek at what the 13-episodeContinue Reading

Las Vegas sign and shot with horror skull face wearing a crown

When it comes to Vegas, casinos and showgirls are usually the first things that come to mind, not horror. Because as far as U.S. cities go, Salem, Massachusetts, or New Orleans, Louisiana, may seem like more obvious choices for a horror capital than Las Vegas, Nevada. Both of those otherContinue Reading

Campground with tents in a valley and UFO in the sky

Skinwalker Ranch may be the most paranormally active location in the United States, if not the world. Outside of Area 51, it may also be the most restricted. The ranch isn’t open to the public, nor does it offer tours, as it explicitly states on its website. Yet it’s equallyContinue Reading

horror hot air ballon festival by Cabel Adams

I was scrolling through Instagram recently when one post in particular caught my eye. It was from the Hollywood Horror Museum and was a photo of a group of six hot air balloons. Two of the balloons were popular horror icons, Freddy Kruger from the Nightmare on Elm Street franchiseContinue Reading

Halloween witch riding broom across an orange sunset sky with jack o lantern in front and bats trailing behind in her wake

Summer has some pretty good weird and unusual days, but it’s not the season with the most. Is it any surprise autumn is, though? Summer invites us to slow down, relax, and unwind. Fall beckons our souls to stir. We harvest what we sowed in the previous seasons as weContinue Reading

Scary-looking Leopard

Let’s face it. Us humans like to think we’re top of the food chain…until we find ourselves out in the wild and we’re reminded that we’re not. The trailer for Beast starring Idris Elba reminded me of that recently. It also made me think of a couple of posts I’veContinue Reading

Ghost hunters conducting paranormal investigation in abandoned place

There really are certain things you should never do during a paranormal investigation. Yet, you’d never know it from watching paranormal TV shows. It’d be quicker to list the ones who don’t violate any of these no-nos rather than to list all of the offenders. However, since that’s not whatContinue Reading

Underwater house

In The Deep House, two YouTubers who travel in search of creepy places to explore head to France in search of a submerged sanatorium in the fictional Lake Frais. However, they instead discover the lake is a super popular and crowded tourist spot, which isn’t ideal for filming. However, aContinue Reading

A group of UFOs or UAPs

Or maybe the better question would be, “Is the name change from UFO to UAP going to stick? Will UAPs replace UFOs in pop culture?” Because it’s not like we’re talking about different things. Just the terms and acronyms to describe it aren’t the same anymore. But if there’s noContinue Reading

Area 51 fence sign

They may be separated by over 900 miles but the Roswell Incident will forever connect Roswell, New Mexico, and the Extraterrestrial Highway in Nevada, both of which rank among the 16 most popular UFO destinations in the U.S. Since 2022 marks the 75th anniversary of the incident, you know theContinue Reading

Oscar the Grouch falls in love with the Wicked Witch of the West when she visits Sesame Street

Sesame Street is no stranger to controversy. Back in 2019, in honor of Sesame Street‘s 50th anniversary, Insider shared 11 of the show’s most controversial moments. The first one they highlighted was when Roosevelt Franklin, the first black muppet, was removed from the show in 1975 for perpetuating stereotypes ofContinue Reading

Skeptical woman with raised eyebrow

A few months ago I tweeted about a couple of my paranormal pet peeves and asked which ones others had. Responses varied, but surprisingly there was one that many expressed the same peeve about. They felt most paranormal shows were an insult to their intelligence and they were over them.Continue Reading