Crime scene tape in the woods or camp ground

June 13, 1977. It wasn’t a Friday (it was early on a Monday morning) when the gruesome discovery at Camp Scott in Oklahoma was made. An unthinkable discovery really. One of the saddest I’ve learned about in a long time, which I did thanks to a comment author Priscilla BettisContinue Reading

Exterior of the Clown Motel in Tonopah Nevada 2018

Did you know the first week of August is International Clown Week and the first Saturday of International Clown Week is National Clown Day? And in case you’re wondering… Yep. Those dates came from the Weird Holidays & Observances page, which never fails to inspire post ideas. In this case,Continue Reading

Man snorkeling and taking selfie with a shark

With Shark Week upon us, I realized we’ve taken a look at crocodile diving before, but never shark diving. Are there tours for that? If so, where? (Besides, obviously, somewhere near an ocean.) So I did some research and located five of the best places to find and take sharkContinue Reading

Boston Globe newspaper clipping about 1916 shark attacks

One of the most fascinating books I ever read was Michael Capuzzo’s Close to Shore: The Terrifying Shark Attacks of 1916. I didn’t pick the most ideal time to read it, though. It was while we were on vacation in St. Lucia in the early 2000s. I was engrossed inContinue Reading

extraterrestrial highway sign

Without leaving Earth, where would you go for either an out-of-this-world experience or to celebrate one of the six UFO or alien days that happen each year? That’s what I wondered. What are the top spots for UFO travel in America? Not necessarily to potentially see a UFO. Although, ifContinue Reading

Silhouette of alien standing in beam of light from UFO hovering above the ground.

Whether you believe in extraterrestrial life or not, one thing’s undeniable: how much the possibility of alien life pervades our culture. Sure, it’s been the inspiration for plenty of great science fiction movies and books. But join me in considering it from another angle. I submit into evidence Exhibit A:Continue Reading

DIA's Greg the Gargoyle

“Don’t forget,” I reminded my husband as we boarded the train bound for the main terminal, “I want to stop and see Greg the Gargoyle again.” “Why? You’ve already done that.” “But he didn’t really talk much last time. I want to see if he’ll say more this time. I’veContinue Reading

The Black Spire Outpost marketplace at Galaxy's Edge

Are you old enough to remember when the “original” Star Wars first came out in 1977? If not because you saw it for the first time decades later, you may appreciate what an iconic movie it is —or you may not. The force wasn’t with some who saw it evenContinue Reading

Night Parade-Carnival of Nice 2019

Alfred Hitchcock died on April 29, 1980, and won’t ever make a movie again, but he certainly earned his moniker, “The Master of Suspense.” Many Alfred Hitchcock movies are revered as classics to this day and some, (like Psycho and Rebecca, have inspired remakes. Writers and filmmakers who appreciate hisContinue Reading

Alien movie posters collage

Alien Day falls on April 26 every year, but what is it all about and what does it actually celebrate? Aliens in general or the movie franchise of the same name? (This post’s picture may give that answer away.) It’s always illuminating to discover the origin stories and histories forContinue Reading

creengrab of aerial view of the resort from The Resort trailer

Update Feb 2., 2023  A lot of people find this post searching for info about where the Peacock series The Resort was filmed. This post was initially about where to find the resort used in a horror movie of the same name. However, because I never want visitors to leaveContinue Reading

Cursed Films poster

April has definitely seen its share of tragedies. Does it mean it’s cursed? I used to think so, but Cursed Films explained why that’s unlikely. Last year fellow writer Keith Langston introduced me to Shudder’s five-part series. If you haven’t seen it and are a horror movie cinephile, I highlyContinue Reading