Lit and Phil Inside

Summer Hauntings was among the events I highlighted in June’s Paracons, Ghost Tours and Ghost Huntings events. I noted that I needed to dedicate a post to it, because I’ve never seen anything like this. But I’d love to see more events like it. Especially some closer to home. (SummerContinue Reading

Banner with skeleton, mermaid skeleton, and ghosts

I’m late getting the highlights for June’s Paracons & Horror Fests and Ghost Hunting Tours & Events out this month. Again. Story of my life. Apologies. Although I don’t know how many people really pay attention to them anyway, so it really doesn’t matter in the scheme of things IContinue Reading

Couple touring haunted room 311 bathroom at the Read House hotel

This post contains affiliate links. See affiliate disclaimer here.  I came across an article from about how the Read House in Chattanooga had a special unveiling ceremony for, and tours of, their newly renovated Room 311 on March 11. (Get it? The date and the room number match.) ApparentlyContinue Reading

Since I started keeping track of ghost events again on the Ghost Tour & Ghost Hunting Events page, I thought it might be nice to share them in their own post each month. Make them stand out a little more. Even though I’ve tried to make it easy to findContinue Reading

Does a haunted house or a ghost tour with a St. Patrick’s Day twist sound fun to you? If your idea of a spirited St. Pat’s Day includes terrifying banshees and creepy leprechauns, you’re in luck. I’ve consolidated listings from both the Ghost Tours & Ghost Hunting Events and HalloweenContinue Reading

Hales Bar Dam Haunted Tours Closed News travelled quickly through the paranormal community Sunday night. All it took was one image and the questions started coming in. Seems the operators of the haunted tours at Tennessee’s Hales Bar Dam have shut down. Unfortunately, they may have left some people outContinue Reading

Yes, an online ghost tour could be coming to Stockton, California, in October, according to  The Downtown Stockton Alliance  recently unveiled a free self-guided online historical walking tour. The plan is to release a spookier version to coincide with Halloween. Walk with Weber Captain Charles M. Weber founded StocktonContinue Reading

The last couple of years I basically abandoned the Ghost Tour & Ghost Hunting Events page. At least here on the site. Last year I did note that while the page was taking a temporary hiatus, events were still being shared on HJ’s Eerie Events and Paracons Facebook Group. Well,Continue Reading

Phantom of the Opera really has nothing to do with Madame Morbid’s Trolley Tours –apart from the fact that I found it via the TodayTix app, which I had downloaded to try and find discounted tickets to Phantom. On Broadway. Because I was in New York City and had someContinue Reading

Looking for a new and different location for a haunted getaway weekend? Globe, Arizona is an old mining town often overlooked as one of the most haunted locations in Arizona.   Like its counterparts Bisbee, Jerome, and Tombstone, Globe has a history of being an untamed mining community in theContinue Reading

I don’t think I’ve ever seen this before: a ghost tour on Thanksgiving and a ghost hunt on Black Friday. Say what? Though in my defense, perhaps there have been such events and I either (a) wasn’t paying attention, or (b) was off jaunting somewhere (I.e. a cruise) and wasContinue Reading