The following is a guest blog from William Collins, a writer, paranormal researcher and humorist. You can follow him on Twitter at @Thor_2000. For several years, both Hollywood and television executives have been aware that the viewing public likes a good ghost story. Movies about the paranormal usually do very well.Continue Reading

I am very excited to announce some changes around Haunt Jaunts. Namely, I’ve changed the About page to reflect a new member to the Haunt Jaunts team as author Linda Moffitt has agreed to be a contributing writer! As I mentioned in my interview with herback in August, she’s my kind of hauntedContinue Reading

Even after death, Marie Laveau works her voodoo magick. During her long life, not one person who knocked at her door was turned away. Now visitors and residents to New Orleans flock to her grave -knock on her door and leave an offering asking for help. The Voodoo Queen wasContinue Reading

Thanks to Courtney, I can post this short announcement (well, at least I think she agreed to this). As some of you may know, Courtney is into Lymphoma Research Foundation – she donates a portion of the income from Haunt Jaunts ads to their research. That inspired me, and that’sContinue Reading

On a few occasions Courtney from Haunt Jaunts and I have discussed via Twitter haunted areas/destinations that have been rather ignored or forgotten when it comes to top paranormal places to visit and investigate. These discussions have prompted me to elaborate on a place that has significant meaning to me:Continue Reading

Out of the stories of the World War Two and the evils and atrocities of the Third Reich were born a few ghost stories. Stories of military apparitions dot the European countryside, phantom fliers cruise the skies of the North Sea and spectral paratroopers wander aimlessly on forgotten airfields. WarContinue Reading

What really fascinates me is different perception of paranormal activities, psychic abilities and magick practises in different areas of the World. Have you – living in your little corner of the Planet – ever thought that what you consider pretty normal, can be deadly somewhere else? Allow me to takeContinue Reading

I love the Discussions feature on Facebook. I recently added two new discussion topics: Paranormal Blundering and Cemeteries. (Well, I say two new. They’re actually the first for the new Facebook page. The old one had a couple of others.) Anyway, they were inspired by two posts from recent guestContinue Reading

Being into the paranormal and a huge history enthusiast I have inevitably spent some time wondering around some really amazing cemeteries. I know that some people find cemeteries scary or sad, but I find them to be peaceful, full of energy, history, and sometimes ghosts. To walk around a cemeteryContinue Reading

I am not a boy scout or a girl scout. Be prepared was never my motto. Unfortunately, that has gotten me into a lot of trouble over the years. My adventures in paranormal travelling have been no exception to my usual chaos. Through all my bumbling, I have made aContinue Reading

Whenever I hear a debate about whether or not ghosts exist, I like to remark that when a light bulb gets turned off, the electricity doesn’t disappear, it just goes somewhere else. One of the fundamental rules in science is that everything goes somewhere, nothing just disappears. I think that’sContinue Reading