Miss Scarlet, Miss Scarlet – Caper Company’s birthing our newest Haunt Spots tour, “A No Safe Haven Caper”!  We’ve got all new audio stories and everything. Here’s an audio snippet for the first Haunt Spot on the tour. In this newest exploration of Wisconsin’s ghosts, you will experience a hauntContinue Reading

When last we met up with our Guest Haunts Blogger “E”, they had intrepidly faced their whole tour. Join us for the conclusion of her Caper Company expedition… 10:00pm We headed back to our rendezvous point. It was warm by the fire, and we gladly partook of cookies and beveragesContinue Reading

My birthday is 5 days before Halloween. Other than “that explains a lot, Susan” it also means that, as a kid growing up, one of my birthday presents was always my Halloween costume. Even at a young age, I knew that was a bit of a cop-out-rip-off birthday present, butContinue Reading

I have to jump on sharing this photo with you. My buddy, E. and her fellow intrepid Haunt Spots Explorers, S & K, were at their final haunted destination of the Caper Company Haunt Spots ghost tour they took last night. She captured this photo. No, it was not foggy.Continue Reading

Yes. It’s actually a little late to ask.  Caper Company’s first Haunt Spots ghost tour already does just that, if you opt to go after dark.  It includes a haunted trail to explore.  People who go at night report that it can be mighty scary if there are only twoContinue Reading

“Other than that Mrs. Lincoln, how did you enjoy the play?” I had the extreme pleasure of hearing from someone today who attempted a Haunt Spots tour last Saturday night. What he wrote says it all: “I kinda made it out on Saturday. The girl I went with freaked outContinue Reading

Hey Fellow Explorers and Intrepid Souls! I’ve heard you loud and clear. The list of people emailing me with “Yes! I soooo want to take a tour” is growing longer and longer. Well, my lovelies, it’s gettin’ chilly outside. Let’s make sure you get your tour before there’s snow onContinue Reading

Well – Actually – Yes. A typical Haunt Spots research day averages 10 destinations to check out. With a total route drive time of a couple of hours and 5 to 60 minutes per stop, by sheer necessity we travel during daylight hours. We need to see to be ableContinue Reading

No, nothing as exciting as a K-2 meter, or that cool FLIR thingie that measures infrared heat signatures. I simply need a mobile method for getting on-line, a phone, to access email, store contact info, record Haunt Spots research – that sort of thing. Oh, if only we lived inContinue Reading