LED Finger Lights Halloween

Even before I learned about the Teal Pumpkin Project, which aims to make Halloween more inclusive for kids with food allergies, I liked to hand out non-candy treats. Partly because I have friends whose kids can’t eat certain foods. I vowed never again to see the look of disappointment thatContinue Reading

Promotional image for The Wolf Man featuring Evelyn Ankers and Lon Chaney Jr.

Highbrow cinephiles often snub horror movies as unworthy of their viewing time. Even the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (AMPAS), which awards the industry’s highest honor, the Oscars, is often accused of bias against horror movies. I get it. Most horror movies equate to nothing more than justContinue Reading

Haunt Season poster

Which movies pop first to mind when you think of horror movies about Halloween haunted attractions? The Houses October Built? Hell House LLC? Haunt? Those all popped into my mind when I learned of Haunt Season, a forthcoming slasher movie from Epic Pictures’ specialty horror label, DREAD. I agree withContinue Reading


Visiting the Stanley is a bucket list travel destination for many macabre-minded restless spirits. For good reason. The hotel leans into its claim to fame as the inspiration for Stephen King’s The Shining, offering ghost tours and inviting guests to stay in one of its haunted rooms. But what ifContinue Reading

AddamsFest Be Witched 2024

Would you rather be bewitched or do the bewitching? A little of both may happen if you visit Westfield, New Jersey’s popular October celebration, AddamsFest. I don’t remember if they had themes in years past, but they do this year: Be Witched. They’re also bringing back past favorite activities, including:Continue Reading

spooky season netflix august 2024 releases

Do you ever peruse the “New & Popular” section on Netflix? Sometimes I do, but not to see what’s new or popular. I can figure that out from the “New on Netflix” and “Top 10” movie and TV shows sections on the Home page. Rather, I like to peek atContinue Reading

The Haunted Mansion LED Caretaker

“You know your friend supports your Halloween addiction when…” There are many ways to fill in that blank. (I invite you to share how you would in the comments below.) In my case, it’s when my friends make sure to share any cool skeleton finds or anything Haunted Mansion. ThanksContinue Reading

Bodkin based on a true story graphic

When I started watching Bodkin, two questions nagged me. The first was, “Is Bodkin a real place?” The second was, “Is it really based on a true story involving a mysterious disappearance during Samhain?” Well, that’s not entirely accurate. The second question technically came first, but I was reminded ofContinue Reading

Monster Inside McKamey Manor Hulu Documentary screenshot

Was Monster Inside: America’s Most Extreme Haunted House meant to serve as a warning or a cleverly disguised promo? That’s among the things I wondered after watching the Hulu documentary about the notorious McKamey Manor last year. A lot of accusations were made against owner Russ McKamey about just howContinue Reading

Screenshot of Halloween Send a Cake Choices

I don’t remember where I first saw an ad for Send A Cake, but I was instantly intrigued. Even more so after I sent one to a friend who said, “I wish I’d recorded that. I had no idea stuff was going to come flying out at me!” (They adviseContinue Reading

Monster Inside McKamey Manor Hulu Documentary screenshot

“Whatever happened to McKamey Manor?” I wondered not too long ago. In one of those serendipitous twists of fate, the Universe answered in an unlikely way. I was flipping through Hulu last week to see what new shows they had for Friday the 13th weekend, and boom. That’s when IContinue Reading

Dark Matter TV Darktober 2023 keyart

Well, it turns out I didn’t thoroughly research all the horror streaming services out there after all. I missed one. Dark Matter TV. What’s that saying? “Better late than never.” That’s my story and I’m sticking to it. Especially because that saying also applies to “Darktober,” their month-long Halloween programmingContinue Reading