I could’ve sworn we had two entries in the #MyHJPumpkin Jack-O-Lantern contest but when I went to check again today I only saw the one. So, when there’s only one entry, that one automatically becomes the winner! Congrats to Holly Makitra and her porch sitting jack-o-lantern which came to usContinue Reading

For the entertainment portion of our Halloween 2016 festivities, we’d like to treat you to a reading from our anthology, Shadow People and Cursed Objects: 13 Tales of Terror Based on True Stories…or are they?. And by “we,” we do mean Skellie (our spokes-skeleton pictured above) and our Ambassador ofContinue Reading

  Happy Halloween Season! As we wrote in our Invitation to Haunt Jaunts 2016 Halloween Party, we intended to do giveaways all October long. We also meant to do a #WishYouWereHere and #IfYouDare Halloween challenge. Well, we decided to do something a little bit different. (Of course the inspiration forContinue Reading

If we have a #MyHJSelfie Halloween Costume contest and a #MYHJPumpkin contest we also need to have a #MyHJHaunt contest, right? Here. Let us help you out. Don’t hurt yourself thinking how to respond. There’s only one right answer, which is “Yes.” Of course we do! What We’re Looking ForContinue Reading

We’re pleased to welcome back Harry Parsons from Arcadia Publishing with a seasonal guest post about the most haunted Halloween-style houses the U.S. has to offer. Of all the industries in the world, the Halloween industry is without a doubt one of the fastest growing. This has especially been theContinue Reading

Got a press release about Denver’s most horrifying haunts, the 13th Floor and The Asylum. Hard to believe but 2016 marks their 15th year! I meant to post all this back at the start of the haunted house season but…I didn’t. One distraction led to another and another and, well…youContinue Reading

Happy Halloween season!!! Before we get to the Caption This info and photo, let me tell you about what else we have going on around here this month. If you like contests and giveaways, be sure to stay tuned. We’ve got some great prizes and trophies we’re going to beContinue Reading

Happy Halloween season! Besides our monthly Caption This Contests, we haven’t done many contests or giveaways lately. And we haven’t thrown a good-old fashioned online Halloween party around here in a loooong time. Halloween 2016 is the year we’re going to change that! Collecting Goodies We’ve been thinking about thisContinue Reading

Do you live in the United States and ever wish the United States Postal Service would issue Halloween stamps? I mean, they have them for other holidays. Which makes sense, especially for Hanukah, Christmas, and Kwanza. Everyone’s mailing cards galore during the December holidays. However, what about for those ofContinue Reading

April 30 is about as close as you can get to it being the official half-way to Halloween mark. I thought it’d be fun to share some year-round haunted attractions. (For those of you, unlike myself, who are not too bawk, bawk chicken butt to enjoy such scariness.) Ghostly ManorContinue Reading

Have you visited our Haunt Jaunts Halloween Scareporium lately? We sort of revamped it for Halloween 2015. Here’s some of what you’ll find: Updated Costumes After a slight site meltdown where 70% of our links went blank, we spent most of September refurbishing the Men’s Costumes, Women’s Costumes, and Couple’sContinue Reading