As I explained today over at the Scareporium and on HJ’s FB page, today we put the finishing touches on the Scareporium. Two weeks ago we noticed a major SNAFU. Broken links littered throughout the site prompting a “Site down! Site down!” fire drill. Ugh. Major headache. I knew IContinue Reading

Halloween is right around the corner. (Mercifully. The wait for this time of year to come back around is always torture.) Anyway, with it comes new job opportunities. Need work? Ever wanted to unleash your inner acting beast? Have a penchant for retail? Here’s three places you might want toContinue Reading

Received the following press release and figured it’d be a fun one to pass along for any of you who might have interest in being part of a haunt. Dark Harbor, Southern California’s most terrifying haunt, returns to the Queen Mary ship in October 2015. If you are not afraidContinue Reading

Guess what this time of year is? Halfway to Halloween time! Sounds like a great reason to have another giveaway to celebrate six years of Haunt Jaunts. I’ve chosen a few of my favorite things from our affiliates and listed them below. Here’s how to enter: Look at the itemsContinue Reading

We are very excited to announce the release of our first “Haunt Jaunts Guide to…” book: The Haunt Jaunts Guide to Halloween Hot Spots: The Spookiest Places to Enjoy Ghosts, Ghouls and Scares. If you’re looking for the most frightening ways to enjoy the Halloween season, this guide is forContinue Reading

Several months ago Amy from Dwellable contacted me and asked if I’d be interested in writing a guest post for their blog. I was delighted to oblige! She had suggested some kind of “Best of” list. Because I’ve been working on the Haunt Jaunts Guide to the Spookiest Places toContinue Reading

While updating the U.S Ghost Tours from Viator and adding a new page to our Ghost Tours, Walks & Hunts section (Haunted Places Tours), I came across some other neat tours on Viator. Specifically, season-appropriate Halloween tours and activities, such as: Chicago Halloween Haunted Cruise Add a new adventure toContinue Reading

I was perusing the NBC channel on my Roku today when one story really caught my eye. It was about the abandoned, and rumored to be haunted, Lake Shawnee Amusement Park in Rock, West Virginia. (I’ve embedded it below.) If you watch shows like Discovery Channel’s “GhostLab,” Travel Channel’s “TheContinue Reading

It’s been a bit of a different horror movie viewing experience for me this Halloween. Earlier this year, in an effort to save money and to try and watch less TV, we took a dramatic step and did away with our cable all together. Trust me, I didn’t agree toContinue Reading

Have you ever been to a Halloween costume ball? If you live in the L.A. area, I’m sure there are plenty of venues to choose from, but what about at an actual haunted place? Even better, an old cruise ship that’s been converted to a hotel? Or, at this timeContinue Reading

Last weekend we ventured to a new-to-us pumpkin patch and corn maze: Honeysuckle Hill Farms. I was itching to go because we didn’t make it to any last year. The year before that had been dry as all get out, so our jaunt to Rippavilla Plantation’s corn maze had sortContinue Reading

Seems to be the day for publishing press releases. Trying to catch up on them and pass on all the interesting info and events that have hit my inbox lately. Also be sure to check out the Queen Mary Dark Harbor discussion in the All About Hallow’s Eve section ofContinue Reading