In years past I put a lot of effort into a Halloween Blog Party here at Haunt Jaunts. This year I’ve been too disorganized to do a formal party, but I do love giveaways. And I love Halloween. Can’t let the season pass me by all together without having someContinue Reading

I was trying desperately to get HJ’s newest endeavor, the Haunt Jaunts Halloween Emporium, up and running well before October. Sadly, like so many of my big ideas, it didn’t quite happen the way I’d envisioned. However, better late than never right? I’m pleased to announce that for all intentsContinue Reading is not just one of my affiliates, it’s also one of my favorite places to shop for Halloween. If I was more handy like so many of you, I’d make more of my decorations and costumes. But since I’m not, I’m thankful for Spirit because I love their selection,Continue Reading

  Whoa Nellie do I have a list of paranormal events for the report this week. You can tell it’s getting closer to haunting season. More and more activities are cropping up. As of this posting, I haven’t added all to the Paranormal Events page yet. But rest assured IContinue Reading

Okay, so this week I’m LOADED with upcoming Paranormal Events thanks to invites, people sharing tidbits that led me to events, and my new pal John Tobin of Glory Haunt Hounds who sent me a Facebook group suggestion to check out: Paranormal Events Page ~~ Paranormal events from the USAContinue Reading

This morning I ended up finding some Yankee Candle Halloween Air Fresheners when I stopped in at TJ Maxx to see what kind of interesting soaps they had. (I have a thing for soaps. However, I’m sure people thought I needed them because I’d just come off the courts andContinue Reading

I don’t know about you, but come August I’m ready to start my Halloween shopping. Two of my favorite Halloween shopping spots, and Halloween Express, are running deals in August. (This is also as good a place as any to make a DISCLAIMER: I participate in affiliate marketing programsContinue Reading

Halloween is fast approaching. I know. I can hear some of you saying, “It’s only mid-July, Courtney. It’s still summer. Halloween is a long way away.” Oh no, my friends, Halloween is inching ever closer and will be here before we know it. I’m starting early this year. Over theContinue Reading

At the start of this year, I listed horror movies coming out in 2012 for the first quarter of the year. Then, as usual, I fell off the wagon. I didn’t follow up for the second quarter. Now we’re almost to the third quarter of the year. With the HalloweenContinue Reading

Hello! My name is Emma Rae Curtis, and I’m a huge fan of Halloween. I blame it completely on my wonderfully active imagination. I’ve had it ever since I was a little girl, and there’s been no looking back. It is a big part of who I am. Halloween hasContinue Reading

I came by my love of mysteries and the paranormal (and maybe even haunted travels?) honestly: via TV in the form of a lovable little cartoon called Scooby Doo.  I wondered what Scooby Doo characters might say about the Haunt Jaunts Halloween in the Bermuda Triangle Cruise. I found aContinue Reading

Haunt Jaunts is super excited to announce we’re adding some fresh blood around here with a new writer, Ms. Emma Curtis. Emma approached me with the idea of writing for HJ after finding us because of our shared interest, i.e. Halloween, the paranormal, and spooky stuff in general. Emma runsContinue Reading