Ah, Halloween is over, but the memories linger on. Here are six of my favorite pumpkin pictures from this year: 1. WHERE PUMPKIN PIE COMES FROM My friend James McAvoy first shared this one with me on Facebook. I’m not sure if his friend shared it with him, or if hisContinue Reading

One thing I said I would do as part of the HJ Spooktacular Halloween Blog Party was a costume contest. One of my blogging pals and a V.I.P. Guest, Chris the Frog Queen from Frog on the Pumpkin, wrote how she was curious to see how I was going toContinue Reading

Well, this was it. The final giveaway, which makes me one very sad witch. It means it’s the end of Halloween. Rats! Just when we were starting to have so much fun. Ah well, with any luck we’ll be Halloween partying together again next year. For now, enjoy the lastContinue Reading

Mr. Skull didn’t stand a chance. Everyone who entered pointed the finger at him being the culprit of the crash. And everyone gave very convincing arguments for why they felt it was him too. Only one person thought he had an accomplice. (Mommy D, I loved how you found a wayContinue Reading

Yesterday when we ate lunch at Cheddar’s I wasn’t expecting to find so much All Hallow’s Eve fun. Not only was the staff all dressed up for Halloween, there were pumpkins on parade! (Okay, so they weren’t really in a parade. They were just on display.) But they were soContinue Reading

WOW! I was SO excited to see all the entries on this one! When I opened it up to multiple entries, you all entered galore! GREAT! To pick the winner for this one, I dressed as a gypsy and gazed into my crystal bowl. (Yep, you read it right: bowl.Continue Reading

I apologize for being late posting the winner of this contest. I was supposed to do it yesterday, but I ended up being distracted. Sheesh! Talk about being a pot stirrer…(Or “shaker” as the case may be. You wouldn’t know it to hear me talk, but I do know sauceContinue Reading

Twice this past week I’ve lucked out and had the pleasure of eating at Chuy’s in Cool Springs. THE RESULT OF CHUY’S EXPERIENCE #1 The first time was last Sunday when my husband and I went for dinner. That’s when I snapped pictures (below) of the inside. They’d transformed it for HalloweenContinue Reading

  Yesterday a box arrived on my doorstep. I opened it up and found something else to giveaway! I tried to get a good picture of all the goodies inside this basket, which was sent to me to giveaway to you courtesy of Maggie’s Station. Tucked inside the purple hauntedContinue Reading

Need music to set the mood this Halloween? Throwing a party and want some tunes to BOOgie to? Slacker Radio just might be able to help. Check out their Halloween Radio station. Rather than try to sum it up and reinvent the wheel, I’ll share with you the description on their site:Continue Reading

  Mr. Skull may be one of the culprits that crashed my computer. He had a reason to be mad at me. He didn’t much like this video I made of him, which, thanks to a data rescue feature on my fix-it disk, I was able to retrieve. Now youContinue Reading

If you’ve been following the Haunt Jaunts Spooktacular Halloween Blog Party festivities from the beginning, you know that early on (like right at the start) there was a big hiccup: my computer crashed. What I didn’t share was some of the events directly preceeding the crash. I’m going to share them nowContinue Reading