THE SAGA OF HOW WE LEARNED ABOUT THE MEAN KITTY SONG If you follow HJ on Facebook you might’ve seen my posts (rants and raves) about my computer crashing late last week. Because it’ll take 7 to 10 business days for a fix-it disk to arrive, I opted to buyContinue Reading

There are all kinds of lists out at this time of year, such as best scary movies, best costumes, and of course, best haunted houses. Last year I confessed about my problem with Halloween haunted houses. Basically, they freak me out. Literally. I go into major meltdown mode trying to getContinue Reading

  I’m doing something a little different this Movie Monday. Rather than featuring a movie, I’m featuring a blog that reviews them. It’s called Nate’s Peer Review and it’s maintained by my friend Nate Phillips. Nate graduated from the University of Oklahoma with a degree in Film & Video Studies. HisContinue Reading

I’m on schedule to post the winner of the Crazy Dog T-Shirt giveaway, since I said it would be today. But I apologize for combining it with the winner announcement for the Mrs. B’s Haunted Blog Tour Giveaway. I was supposed to announce that winner yesterday. WHY THE WINNER DRAWING WASContinue Reading

Halloween costumes for dogs have been around for a while. Halloween costumes for cats, on the other hand, have only started gaining popularity in recent years. Maybe because have you ever tried dressing a cat? The little headgear Halloween getups are cute, but I almost lost a hand trying toContinue Reading

I was driving to tennis the other day when I spotted these Pumpkinbales on the side of the road. Of course I had to stop and get a pic. (If you read this, Coach Beth, I saw them on the way to clinic but I actually stopped to take photosContinue Reading

I received a very nice email from a representative of Crazy Dog T-shirts the other day. He had an offer he wanted to share with my site’s visitors. Here’s what he had to say: We love Halloween just as much as you do, and we wanted to offer your site’sContinue Reading

Okay, before I begin let me offer this disclaimer: A “real” haunted place is a tricky beast to define. As I’ve written about before, there really is no such thing as an “officially” haunted place. However, for the purpose of this post, the places mentioned herein are ones highly regardedContinue Reading

Hello! My name is Courtney Mroch and I’m the Director of Paranormal Tourism at Haunt Jaunts. If you’ve found your way here via Mrs. B’s 31 Days of Halloween Haunted Blog Tour: WELCOME! Likewise, if you’ve found your way here because you follow anyway or you heard about the giveaway,Continue Reading

This is the costume I saw that sparked the idea for this post: It’s called Addams Family Secret Wishes Wednesday Addams costume. I don’t know about you, but when I think of Wednesday Addams I think of something more along the lines of this: A sweet, adorable little Gothic WednesdayContinue Reading

Yesterday the Halloween Party Express cruised on over to Mommy D’s Kitchen, which is run by the amazing Mommy D. (a.k.a. Dinell Lamb Holmes.) Today we’re stopping by another one of Mommy D’s creations: the Weekly Spectre. It’s where she lets her dark side shine. There’s a lot going onContinue Reading

Something I did a lot last Halloween season was Haunt Jaunt around the Blogosphere to visit new and interesting sites. This year for the Halloween Blog Party I decided to ask for victims –er, I mean volunteers. These brave souls said, “Sure, come on over and visit!” So here weContinue Reading