Bloody Mary Mirror

Bloody Mary and La Llorona are among two of the most popular paranormal folklore legends involving women. But there are also some other frightening female supernatural entities in myths, legends, and horror stories from around the world. Since March is Women’s History Month, and these phantom femme fatales have enduredContinue Reading

The Enfield Poltergeist Docuseries poster

“What you’re seeing is a re-imaging of those events,” the narrator in The Enfield Poltergeist trailer tells us. “But what you’re about to hear is real.” The trailer for the four-part docuseries premiering on Apple TV+ on October 27 is brilliant. First, the narrator’s voice is deliciously creepy and chilling.Continue Reading

Ghost Adventures crew Devil Island

Ghost Adventures returns with a new two-hour special, Devil Island, on Wednesday, October 4 at 9 p.m. ET/PT on Discovery Channel. However, the name of the special is deceptive and misleading, especially if you’re familiar with the actual San Francisco Bay island that was sometimes referred to as the Devil’s Island,Continue Reading