This Halloween season, I’ve come across some spooky stays, haunted attractions, and macabre museums both by accident and via people sharing with me. I decided to make a list of them, since there are a bunch I wanted to keep track of. A post is a great way. Can alwaysContinue Reading

One of the places I knew was haunted that I wanted to see when we went to San Francisco was the Golden Gate Bridge. One of the things I never expected to do was walk across it. Drive maybe, but not walk. However, the day we visited was my husband’sContinue Reading

Back in August, I was a guest on Keeping the Spirits Alive! hosted by John Tobin and Chip Reichenthal of Glory Haunt Hounds fame. I had a blast talking with John and Chip. I felt like we really clicked. Well, apparently they had as much fun as I did. They’veContinue Reading

One of the first haunted places indexing sites I ever learned of was Shadowlands. I’m not going to link directly to it because of some disturbing info I came across today. I don’t want to be responsible for anyone’s computer possibly becoming haunted by…? That’s the question. I don’t knowContinue Reading

Yesterday my friend Jade Walker educated me about a serial killer named Dorothea Puente –which led me to learning her house may be haunted. It all started because of a picture I posted first on HJ’s Facebook page, then on Twitter. Here’s the photo: Here was the Tweet I sentContinue Reading

Hello All, Emma Rae Curtis here again. I’ve been a fan of Halloween since I was a little girl. The magic, the mystery, the feeling of the supernatural—I was enchanted immediately. It’s a magical time of year, and I’ve been vivaciously celebrating this most wonderful of holidays for as longContinue Reading

I love when people email questions seeking advice on planning their trips to haunted places. Here’s an email I recently received from someone planning a trip to haunted New Orleans: My name is Kaylie, and my best friend and I plan on taking a haunted trip to New Orleans duringContinue Reading

As I’m writing this, my favorite men’s tennis player, Andy Murray, is battling against Roger Federer in the final at Wimbeldon. It’s the fourth set. Federer is up two to one. There was a rain delay during the third set. That’s when they showed a mini-documentary about Murray and IContinue Reading

  Over a year ago, Haunt Jaunts signed up for Crazy Dog TShirts‘s affiliate program. The reason I applied was in part because of the shirt I’m modeling above. The Friday the 13th series is one of my faves. (Well, I really only love one through three, but will watch theContinue Reading

I asked Annie of FootTracker if she’d be interested in doing a guest blog. I noticed a pattern in some of her comments on my posts. After reading her post, “Proper” Way to Enter a Hotel Room, my suspicions were confirmed: We share an interest in ghosts and the paranormal.Continue Reading

I know I seem to mention my lists of haunted locations a lot, but my ideas for paranormal blogs come from working and updating them and my efforts to keep track of adding new locations to them from television and websites I’ve discovered. The whole endeavor began simply enough withContinue Reading

Once upon a time I wondered, “When Chernobyl opens to tourists, will there be ghost tours?” And ever since Destination Truth‘s visit there, I’ve wondered, “Just how haunted is Pripyat anyway?” Well, Oren Peli is going to explore the theme of haunted Chernobyl with a new movie coming out thisContinue Reading