Okay, before I begin let me offer this disclaimer: A “real” haunted place is a tricky beast to define. As I’ve written about before, there really is no such thing as an “officially” haunted place. However, for the purpose of this post, the places mentioned herein are ones highly regardedContinue Reading

This past weekend I got to talking with a friend of a friend from Florida about ghosts. She lives in Jacksonville and, knowing I’d once lived there too, asked if I’d heard about the haunted house in Mayport. Nope, but it’s something I noted in my “Look Into for aContinue Reading

Thanks to Courtney, I can post this short announcement (well, at least I think she agreed to this). As some of you may know, Courtney is into Lymphoma Research Foundation – she donates a portion of the income from Haunt Jaunts ads to their research. That inspired me, and that’sContinue Reading

The following is a reprint of a post I originally published on September 11, 2009: In Remembrance of 9/11: Haunt Jaunting to Ground Zero. HauntJaunts.net extends its sympathies to all those affected by the events that transpired on September 11, 2001, now forever known as simply 9/11. But there’s nothingContinue Reading

I’d like to give a special shout out to a blogger pal of mine: Jessica Penot of Ghost Stories and Haunted Places. She’s doing a little celebrating because her book, Haunted North Alabama, was recently released! Congrats, Jessica! I love the cover! I’m looking forward to reading what’s between it.Continue Reading

August 26 is National Dog Day and in honor of it I thought it’d be fun to write about some pet friendly haunt jaunts. I always like to take my Murph (pictured above) along on jaunts with me when the haunts will allow. I try to keep a list ofContinue Reading

Is Cape May the new paranormal tourism hotspot? I’m thinking it must be because this summer it’s the one place that I keep seeing over and over again. CRAIG MCMANUS IN CAPE MAY It all started when I got one of Craig McManus’s newsletters earlier this summer. He talked aboutContinue Reading

I finally have some time to write about my haunt jaunt to the Old South Pittsburgh Hospital. I know I’ve written about it before, but only about the superficial stuff. (Who invited me, who else was there, general impressions, and how hot it was!) But this post is about theContinue Reading

Back in June, Steve Vaughn of Ghost Eyes invited me along on a paranormal investigation he’d put together to the Old South Pittsburgh Hospital in South Pittsburgh, Tennessee. He said it’d make for a “great haunted jaunt.” An overnight one at that. I’ve been following the adventures Autumnforest of GhostContinue Reading

Previously I wrote about things we saw on our Haunt Jaunt to St. Louis, one of which was the Lemp Mansion. I decided to take some video while we were there. I was hoping to play around with creating a travel commentary of sorts. However, I couldn’t get my cameraContinue Reading

My friend Jade Walker asked me not too long ago, “What makes a place officially haunted anyway? Is there even such a thing?” Since this is a question I’m asked all the time, and since tonight is the big premiere of Syfy’s newest show, Fact or Faked, I thought itContinue Reading