Someone asked me the other day, “So you like to hunt ghosts. Have you ever had any experiences?” “Yes.” “Really? What kind of equipment did you use? Did you capture it at all?” “I’m not that kind of ghost hunter. I’m what I refer to as a Haunt Jaunter.” “AContinue Reading

My love affair with The Myrtles Plantation began when I was a little girl.  As a summer day trip, my grandmother and mother brought me, my best friend, and younger sister on a plantation-jaunt around lovely St. Francisville in Louisiana.  Of all the beautiful antebellum homes we visited that day,Continue Reading

When I welcomed soon-to-be Haunt Jaunts guest blogger Shanna Riley, I alluded to another anticipated guest blogger lined up thanks to Twitter. That guest blogger would be Jen Blaney (@JenBlaney). Much like Shanna, it was also because of a Tweet Jen sent me that I got the idea to extendContinue Reading

I finally had the chance to watch National Geographic’s American Paranormal “Haunted Prison” episode all the way through. Loved it, because it showed real science and procedures. However, I also hated it…because it showed real science and procedures. REASONS WHY I LOVED IT THEORIES – Oh my. What a novelContinue Reading

The Booth House in Harpers Ferry, West Virginia, which locals also know as the “Haunted Cottage of Harpers Ferry,” is about to get a new moniker when it’s opened to the public as the Paranormal History Museum and Paranormal Studies Training Center. Yep, it’s finally happened. A place dedicated toContinue Reading

As I promised in my first post today, my next Haunt Jaunt for the day is Poveglia Island. “What does that have to do with the title of this post?” Glad you asked. I’ll tell you! I’m going to give you some clues at the end of this post. YourContinue Reading

I decided to compile a list of 20 spots to watch for paranormal activity in 2010. Not real paranormal activity, mind you. Rather, blogs and sites that focus on paranormal phenomenon and happenings. Even though there are hundreds of paranormal blogs and sites out there, it’s not always easy figuringContinue Reading

Now that winter’s well underway, maybe your thoughts have turned to a Haunt Jaunt where you can also hit the slopes. I grew up in Colorado, so I grew up hearing about a couple of haunted ski resorts. (The Stanley Hotel in Estes Park popped in my mind first andContinue Reading

I don’t know about where you live, but it’s cold here in Nashville today. Not as cold as a lot of other parts of the country, but darn cold compared to what it should be. Our highs the last couple of days (upper 20s, low 30s) have been what ourContinue Reading

< p style=”text-align: left;”> Last night I was goofing around on Twitter and noticed @HauntJaunts‘  followers was 12 away from 500. I was planning on sending a Tweet today to the effect, “Santa, it would be really exciting to see 500 followers for Christmas.” I never got the chance. ThisContinue Reading