Okay, I think Smartphones are pretty cool. I haven’t admitted this to anyone before, but I’m fessing up now: I secretly want an iPhone. At the moment I can’t afford one, and Heaven only knows what I’d do with one if I got it. (Likely get in more trouble thanContinue Reading

I’ve been talking about this for a few weeks now. Or at least hinting at it here and there on my blog and in comments I’ve left on other people’s blogs. But today I’m finally going to start my “Haunted or Hype?” series. IT ALL STARTED WHEN… Back in October,Continue Reading

If all has gone as planned, today we should be docked in Key West. (I must confess. I actually wrote this before we left to post while we’re gone. That’s why the “if all has gone as planned” statement.) At any rate, I thought since I was in Florida, I’dContinue Reading

On October 25, I received a really neat email from a very nice gentleman by the name of William Mayor about Warehouse on the Canal in Canal Fulton, Ohio. That was during the midst of the Halloween Blog Party Giveaway madness. I had just enough time to thank him forContinue Reading

Miss Scarlet, Miss Scarlet – Caper Company’s birthing our newest Haunt Spots tour, “A No Safe Haven Caper”!  We’ve got all new audio stories and everything. Here’s an audio snippet for the first Haunt Spot on the tour. In this newest exploration of Wisconsin’s ghosts, you will experience a hauntContinue Reading

One day I’d like to Haunt Jaunt across the pond to the UK. Yesterday I came across an article that would help me focus my jaunts when I do. Nigel Bunyan of the Telegraph wrote an article “More ghosts appear in Kent than elsewhere in UK, finds research.” It wasContinue Reading

Last week Gummerfan wrote about Land Between the Lakes. It reminded me that’s a place my husband and I have not yet checked out, but one that was on my list. I mentioned reading Gummerfan’s post to my husband. Wayne promptly suggested, “Let’s do it this weekend!” So, inspired fromContinue Reading