I never considered camp grounds as potential Haunt Jaunts until I stumbled across an About.com: Paranormal Phenomenon post called “Camping Encounters with Monsters and Ghosts” by Stephen Wagner. The only thing I normally think about when it comes to camping and ghosts is telling ghost stories around the camp fire.Continue Reading

Today I stumbled across a pretty good article on Digg called “Someone Grab Scooby–Doo: The World’s Most Haunted Landmarks.” What I liked most about the article: the pics and details of the ghosts supposedly haunting each haunted landmark. What I didn’t like about the article: I was surprised some placesContinue Reading

I recently signed on with Examiner.com to be a Nashville Getaways Examiner, but was excited to find several Haunted Places Examiners for me to follow in the process. WHAT’S EXAMINER.COM?It’s a newer site dedicated to promoting cities by providing writers a platform to share their expertise or passion about whereContinue Reading