Jeremy Haun Curious Haunts

“When I was a kid, I was afraid of, well…everything,” Jeremy Haun says in the teaser trailer for his new horror-themed video podcast series, “Curious Haunts.” He lists some of the things that scared him, and then adds, “But I was also curious.” And now he’s setting out to exploreContinue Reading

The Monkey poster

It’s really not all that surprising that Neon’s upcoming horror film, The Monkey, is Fandango’s best horror ticket pre-seller of 2025. So far. Will it hold the title for the whole year, though? Possibly. It’s among the most highly anticipated horror movies coming out this year for good reason. Namely, theContinue Reading

The Woman in the Yard poster

The poster for The Woman in the Yard is quite eye-catching, don’t you think? Not to mention creepy. I instantly wanted to know why this woman draped in black from head to toe was sitting in a yard. (Well, to me, it looks more like a field, but whatever.) Anyway,Continue Reading

Screenshot of Palisades Charter High School, school featured in Carrie

Once the California wildfires are contained, I’m sure we’ll hear even more harrowing and heartbreaking stories of loss and survival. I was surprised that several outlets have already compiled lists of landmarks damaged or destroyed in the fires. One in particular sent a shiver down my spine. NBC News reported thatContinue Reading

While updating the Paracons and Horror Fests page recently, I came across an exciting new event to add: Horror Reader Weekend. It’s the brainchild of bookstagrammer Christine Harrold, an avid horror book fan who channeled her passion for the genre into creating an intimate weekend-long event that brings authors andContinue Reading

Monsters and Mysteries calendar

Bigfoot? Aliens? Ghosts? Creepy clowns? Unexplained mysteries or weird tabloid news? Decisions, decisions. Particularly when it comes to creepy calendars. There are so many to choose from! I don’t know about you, but I’m indecisive. Give me too many options and analysis paralysis stuns me for sure. That’s why IContinue Reading

Screenshot Apocalypse Z trailer

A lot of great spooky content dropped for Halloween 2024, didn’t it? Netflix’s docuseries The Manhattan Alien Abduction and the Peacock series Teacup and Hysteria! were the releases I was anticipating most. But a couple of other things snuck up and surprised me, including Netflix’s This Is the Zodiac SpeakingContinue Reading

Teacup Stinger

My anticipation for Peacock’s new sci-fi horror thriller series, Teacup, was high even before I learned about the Overnightmare event at the Stanley Hotel. Which in part was to promote upcoming Peacock shows like Teacup (as well as Hysteria!) and Blumhouse’s new video game “Fear the Spotlight.” In fact, Hysteria!-inspiredContinue Reading

The killer in Strange Harvest

2024’s Fantastic Fest –one of the largest horror and sci-fi film festivals in the world— offered tons of fantastic premieres, including hits like Terrifier 3 and V/H/S Beyond. But one of the festival’s coolest films was an under-the-radar gem, Strange Harvest: Occult Murder in the Inland Empire. Horror fans areContinue Reading

Promotional image for The Wolf Man featuring Evelyn Ankers and Lon Chaney Jr.

Highbrow cinephiles often snub horror movies as unworthy of their viewing time. Even the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (AMPAS), which awards the industry’s highest honor, the Oscars, is often accused of bias against horror movies. I get it. Most horror movies equate to nothing more than justContinue Reading

Apartment 7A Paramount+ poster

The first I heard of Apartment 7A, a prequel to Rosemary’s Baby, was on September 26, the day before it started streaming on Paramount+. It’s haunted me ever since. Why? Well, first of all, how did that miss my radar? Not that I’m a huge fan of Rosemary’s Baby, butContinue Reading

Haunt Season poster

Which movies pop first to mind when you think of horror movies about Halloween haunted attractions? The Houses October Built? Hell House LLC? Haunt? Those all popped into my mind when I learned of Haunt Season, a forthcoming slasher movie from Epic Pictures’ specialty horror label, DREAD. I agree withContinue Reading