Visiting the Stanley is a bucket list travel destination for many macabre-minded restless spirits. For good reason. The hotel leans into its claim to fame as the inspiration for Stephen King’s The Shining, offering ghost tours and inviting guests to stay in one of its haunted rooms. But what ifContinue Reading

Fred TV Series Hoax Scare Tactics Real

Wow. There are a lot of new spooky shows dropping in time for Halloween this year, aren’t there? For instance, the third season of FROM returned to MGM+ on September 22, Destinations of the Damned with Zak Bagans premieres on October 4 on Discovery Channel, and Hysteria! hits Peacock onContinue Reading

Hysteria and IT Welcome to Derry teaser screenshots

“Wait! Don’t cancel your subscription yet!” Did anyone else feel that way after watching the teasers for Hysteria! and IT: Welcome to Derry? (The latter of which was included in a more comprehensive “Coming to Max in 2024-2025” trailer, which included a lot of other exciting teasers for new andContinue Reading

“PRESENCE: the new film from Steven Soderbergh – new teaser out now!” the subject line from Gofobo Screenings read. “Is it a horror movie?” I wondered. It sounded like it had the potential to be, so I clicked to read the synopsis and decide from there if I wanted toContinue Reading

The Deliverance and Demon House

“The Deliverance may become one of the best horror movies on Netflix in 2024,” Screen Rant proclaimed. Why? One very specific reason: “due to its terrifying use of demonic possession.” Well, that and the fact a true story inspired it, “making it scarier and more unnerving for audiences.” I thinkContinue Reading

spooky season netflix august 2024 releases

Do you ever peruse the “New & Popular” section on Netflix? Sometimes I do, but not to see what’s new or popular. I can figure that out from the “New on Netflix” and “Top 10” movie and TV shows sections on the Home page. Rather, I like to peek atContinue Reading

Screenshot of Harold Perrineau in FROM season 3 trailer

“Use this as a ‘I’m tired of waiting for Stranger Things and will watch FROM because they don’t make me wait 3 years for another season’ button.” That comment from @jasiablessing was by far my favorite of all those left on the FROM season 3 trailer. It completely personifies whyContinue Reading

Bagman poster

“Do you remember the Bagman?” the email subject line asked. It included a first look at the trailer, poster, and a still from the forthcoming horror movie. The poster with the creepy cracked-hand finger pressed against the mouth of the doll with the voodoo-ish-looking button eyes intrigued me. No. I’veContinue Reading

A lake like where Friday the 13th was filmed

I wouldn’t consider myself a full-blown set-jetter. More of an occasional one. But I have been known to curate trips that include visiting places where movies (horror or otherwise) were filmed. One place I’m curious to check out but haven’t made it to yet is Camp No-Be-Bo-Sco, the real-life BoyContinue Reading

Round the Decay still

Round the Decay says it drew inspiration from horror movies like Pumpkinhead (1988) and Cube (1997). Interesting choices considering it also promises to deliver “a fresh take on the monster movie formula with roots extending into psychological and folk horror.” Will it? We’ll have to wait and see, and we’llContinue Reading

Speak No Evil poster

Vacation Friends was the first movie that came to mind when I watched the trailer for Speak No Evil. The pitfalls of what may happen when you befriend strangers on vacation inspired both. Except, where Vacation Friends used humor to highlight how that could go sideways, Speak No Evil honesContinue Reading

Spooktacular Prime Day 2024 Deals

Ghosts on Canvas wall art.  Gothic cat trees with coffin beds. A NOLA Crypt Horror Ornament. These are just a few of my favorite creepy things in the Skareporium that are included in the Prime Day 2024 deals. And I’m not just impressed because they’re on sale. I’m amazed thatContinue Reading