Night Parade-Carnival of Nice 2019

Alfred Hitchcock died on April 29, 1980, and won’t ever make a movie again, but he certainly earned his moniker, “The Master of Suspense.” Many Alfred Hitchcock movies are revered as classics to this day and some, (like Psycho and Rebecca, have inspired remakes. Writers and filmmakers who appreciate hisContinue Reading

Disneyland Haunted Mansion exterior night

Did you know a new Haunted Mansion movie is in the works? Once upon a time, there was talk about Guillermo del Toro adapting Disney’s popular ride into a new movie too, but that never panned out. Apparently, the idea of a new adaptation is coming to fruition, though. AccordingContinue Reading

creengrab of aerial view of the resort from The Resort trailer

Update Feb 2., 2023  A lot of people find this post searching for info about where the Peacock series The Resort was filmed. This post was initially about where to find the resort used in a horror movie of the same name. However, because I never want visitors to leaveContinue Reading

The Banishing poster

The Banishing started streaming on Shudder on April 15. When I first saw the trailer and wrote about it, I kept using the word “creepy” to describe it. “Basically, it looks creepy AF!” “It’s got disembodied voices in the night, creepy figures, and even creepier dolls. Oh, and some kindContinue Reading

Collage of the Banishing poster and photos of Borley Rectory

On April 15 a new haunted house horror movie of sorts started streaming on Shudder: The Banishing. I say “of sorts” because it falls into the same category as The Conjuring. Both are set in haunted houses, yes, but both also possess strong religious horror movie overtones. Another thing bothContinue Reading

Cursed Films poster

April has definitely seen its share of tragedies. Does it mean it’s cursed? I used to think so, but Cursed Films explained why that’s unlikely. Last year fellow writer Keith Langston introduced me to Shudder’s five-part series. If you haven’t seen it and are a horror movie cinephile, I highlyContinue Reading

Borley Rectory 1892

Two things immediately caught my eye about The Banishing, which begins streaming on Shudder on April 15. One, Jessica Brown Findlay, who played one of my favorite Downton Abbey characters, stars in it. Two, its description claimed it’s “the true story of the most haunted house in England.” Oh really?Continue Reading

Raven's Manor lighted drink with skull

Do you love things like the Haunted Mansion, Clue, and Halloween? Do you love being surrounded by gargoyles, skeletons, and haunted dolls? Would taps made from human skulls that dispense spirits of the alcoholic variety thrill you? Then you might want to make a jaunt to Raven’s Manor in Portland,Continue Reading

Ed Gein The Real Psycho Shock Docs poster

Have you seen all of the Shock Docs to date? If so, stop reading right here and cast your vote for the scariest Shock Docs special you’ve seen so far in the comments below. Then resume reading to learn why Ed Gein: The Real Psycho may take the crown forContinue Reading

Steve Shippy and Cindy Kaza in Ed Gein The Real Psycho

Ed Gein: The Real Psycho is a new Shock Docs special that begins streaming on discovery+ on April 9. It features Steve Shippy from Haunting in the Heartland and Cindy Kaza from The Holzer Files investigating Ed Gein’s case, including a few locations his spirit may still roam in Plainfield, Wisconsin.Continue Reading

Official Poster for Things Heard and Seen

Recently it seems like every day or every other day there’s news about a new haunted house horror movie or TV show coming out, be it in theaters or to a streaming service. The newest one was Every House is Haunted. I’d include it on the following list, except allContinue Reading

Official Poster for Things Heard and Seen

Was there a competition between producers we weren’t made aware of to see who could release the best haunted house movie in 2021? Because seriously. Today is April Fools’ Day, but no joke. I have never covered so many upcoming haunted house movie releases in two weeks as I haveContinue Reading