A few weeks back, HorrorAddict.net’s Horror Hostess, Emerian “Emz” Rich, joined me on the podcast. We talked about what’s coming in Horror Addicts 15th season of their podcast, new book releases they’ve got planned, and more. But Emerian also had some work to do. Namely, unboxing the Gothic horror mysteryContinue Reading

The Myers House NC Spookhouse Theater movie screen with Michael Myers holding a knife in front of it

The Myers House NC throws a big Halloween bash every year, but check out this exciting post on Instagram that I spotted: View this post on Instagram   I’m excited to finally announce SPOOKHOUSE THEATER! This has been a long time in the making and a dream come true forContinue Reading

Nightmare on Elm Street's Robert Englund hosts Travel Channel's True Terror

A much anticipated new series starring one of horror movies most iconic actors is coming to Travel Channel: True Terrors with Robert Englund. That’s right, “Freddy Kruger” from the Nightmare on Elm Street franchise.  He scoured news reports of yesteryear to find twisted tales ripped straight from the headlines, shiningContinue Reading

Bela Lugosi sporting his cape as Dracula

Ever since their clever Overlook commercial during the Academy Awards in 2018, I’ve watched the Academy Museum’s progress with interest. (Sadly, the phone number they used for the ad is no longer in service. Too bad they didn’t work with the Doctor Sleep release to revive that number somehow.) Anyway,Continue Reading

Ghoulish Goodies Logo Green

On Friday November 1 (a.k.a. Dia de los Muertos) I had a great conversation with Kevin, Head Ghoul for Ghoulish Goodies, which I recorded for the podcast. Kevin is super passionate about Halloween and horror. We’ve been in touch ever since he launched his business. (It’s coming up on itsContinue Reading

Rhode Island Conjuring House The Farm on Round Top Road

This post contains affiliate links. See affiliate disclaimer here.  Did you know there are two “Conjuring” houses? So to speak. Zak and crew investigated the Rhode Island farmhouse that inspired the Conjuring movies for their Halloween special, Ghost Adventures: Curse of the Harrisville Farmhouse. But there’s also the house thatContinue Reading

Autumn leaves cemetery path

The calendar says September 23, 2019 is the first day of Fall. Although, I don’t know about you, but here in Nashville, Mother Nature did not get the memo. Summer is still blazing away, much to my chagrin. Fall’s arrival heralds the official start of Spooky Season. Although, again…I don’tContinue Reading

Stephanie movie poster

Kind of like Cargo‘s fate, the horror movie Stephanie has sat in my Netflix queue a while. And like I did when I finally watched Cargo, I started Stephanie because I was in Queue Cleanup Mode. This weekend I finally decided to give it a shot. (After I had givenContinue Reading

You Might Be the Killer movie poster

This post contains affiliate links. See affiliate disclaimer here. You Might Be The Killer is campy fun meets slasher movie –set in a summer camp. A camp counselor suffering from blackouts finds himself surrounded by murder victims. He turns to his horror movie enthusiast friend for advice, and to contendContinue Reading

The Domestics Movie Poster

This post contains affiliate links. See affiliate disclaimer here. Last week I was scrolling through my Amazon Prime watchlist looking for a movie to watch when The Domestics caught my eye. A survival love story! A young husband and wife must fight to return home in a post-apocalyptic mid-western landscapeContinue Reading

Scary scarecrows at night

Please enjoy this Short Story Saturday submission from D. Norfolk. Harvest By D. To whom it may concern, First, a warning: If you have found this note where I left it on the kitchen table, in Gable Cottage, get out now. Take this with you and read it when youContinue Reading

I Like Scary Movies banner

This post contains affiliate links. See affiliate disclaimer here.  Have you heard about the I Like Scary Movies Immersive Experience? It’s a pop-up, which are becoming more and more prominent, but this one just raised the benchmark on coolness. In 2017, to hype the premiere of IT: The First Chapter,Continue Reading