This post contains affiliate links. See affiliate disclaimer here. Do you ever watch a movie and think, “Why haven’t I heard more about this? Am I the only one who liked it? Did I miss something? Either the buzz when it first came out, or maybe it wasn’t as goodContinue Reading

ghost girl sitting in front of a computer or TV

In addition to collecting stories for the Haunted Playthings anthology, the Skeleton Crew and I decided to venture down another fiction avenue in 2019. That’s why I’m excited to announce we’re now also accepting short story submissions. Short Story Saturday submissions to be exact. #ShortStorySaturday The goal is to publishContinue Reading

Okay, I’m doing something a little different. I’m giving fair warning that a contest is coming. As usual, newsletter subscribers will be rewarded with bonus entries. And what will the prizes be? Your choice of a pin from the new Para & Horror Pins idea list in the Skareporium. “Where’dContinue Reading

The past few days a couple headlines about highly anticipated movies have caught my eye, namely Hellboy and IT: Chapter Two. Both because they emphasized the blood in them. Here, I’ll show you what I mean. “The latest trailer for the Hellboy reboot brings the blood and gore” – TheContinue Reading

I sent out a Merry Christmas newsletter from the Skeleton Crew (with a link back to the Happy Holidays post I wrote), and I was delighted to get a few replies in return. One of them is even the reason for this post. Kevin is the Head Ghoul of aContinue Reading

Was I being haunted by The Haunting of Hill House? Felt like it. To say the first official Skellie’s Boo-k Club discussion meeting didn’t go well would be an understatement. Hiccups? Galore. It was a disaster. Bad Timing It all started when I noticed I’d put the wrong time inContinue Reading

I’m not talking about Halloween, the holiday. I’m talking about the new Halloween movie, released during the Halloween 2018 season. I had such high hopes for it. And for good reason. Well, two in particular: It was a Blumhouse Production. No, they don’t always get them right. But I likeContinue Reading

Stephen King and Anne Rice rank among the most popular horror writers of modern times. Is it any wonder two of their iconic creations have inspired iconic Halloween balls? The Shining Ball Stephen King’s The Shining was originally published in 1977. It was his third published novel, and his first hardbackContinue Reading

I am late making this announcement, and you may have already seen two of Dusty’s posts (“The Candy Lady” and  “Jure Grando: The Legend Of The First European Vampire“), but I am finally officially welcoming him to the Skeleton Crew. Sadly I didn’t do this earlier like I told DustyContinue Reading

We’re always excited to add to the Skeleton Crew so please help me in welcoming our newest contributing crew member, Payten Autumn Lestat! Getting to Know Payten  Payten is the creator of the website, Lestat Horror, which she started in 2010. She hails from the U.K. But she sums herselfContinue Reading

The lady from The Birds, Jason Voorhees and Svengoolie cosplayers you might see at horror fests and paracons

Surprisingly, August is one of the last busy months for paracons and horror fests. At least according to our Paracons & Horror Fests Events page, that is. We have as many listed as we’ve come across, but we may be missing a few. (And if that’s the case and youContinue Reading

Damn you, The Smiley Face Killers creators! I was lured into thinking this was a documentary, when it turns out it was not. Just call me a #Sucker. Even though, look. It says it right there on its poster. Okay, so add #Gullible to my list. But in my defense, thereContinue Reading