Cover of Consumed by David Cronenberg

I love his movies. I liked his book. It is a disturbing, technically detailed, visceral read. It manages to check off a range of taboo subjects, I learned about a few fetishes that I added to my mental list of things you never want your mum to google as wellContinue Reading

Nick Groff Ghoulish Goodies and Oddity Files collage

This post contains affiliate links. See affiliate disclaimer here.  I’ve got some quick updates on past posts I’ve written about Ghoulish Goodies, the Oddity Files and Nick Groff. So let’s get to it, shall we? Ghoulish Goodies At the beginning of this year, I wrote about how Kevin, the HeadContinue Reading

monitors with woman's eye staring back

Arthur C Clarke said any advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic, and when you consider some of the terms used – viruses, hackers etc, then you can see the potential for new avenues for horror. If science fiction is, at its best, about hieroglyphic ideas meant to inspire engineers andContinue Reading

haunted house and skeleton materializing from book

This post contains affiliate links. See affiliate disclaimer here.  This is a guest contribution from Nora Mork. There are a lot of scary books. Horror writing is one of the most popular genres. Within the horror genre is the ‘haunted house’ story where innocents discover the hidden truth about theContinue Reading

Cargo has been in my Netflix queue since…who knows when. Probably since it was first released. Which, if IMDB is correct, has been since sometime around May 18, 2018. I knew it’d been a while. If you have Netflix, do you do that too? Have so many things in yourContinue Reading

This post contains affiliate links. See affiliate disclaimer here. Sometimes I can get away sharing my thoughts after having seen a movie and not give away any spoilers. Us is not one of those movies. That’s your warning that spoilers are ahead! Us was a movie I was looking forward toContinue Reading

This post contains affiliate links. See affiliate disclaimer here. The Haunted Mansion and Scooby Doo may be turning 50, but guess who celebrates the Big One Oh in 2019? Yep. That’s right. Yours truly is turning 10 this year! (Meaning Haunt Jaunts, that is. Not me, obviously.) But it justContinue Reading

This post contains affiliate links. See affiliate disclaimer here. Do you ever watch a movie and think, “Why haven’t I heard more about this? Am I the only one who liked it? Did I miss something? Either the buzz when it first came out, or maybe it wasn’t as goodContinue Reading

ghost girl sitting in front of a computer or TV

In addition to collecting stories for the Haunted Playthings anthology, the Skeleton Crew and I decided to venture down another fiction avenue in 2019. That’s why I’m excited to announce we’re now also accepting short story submissions. Short Story Saturday submissions to be exact. #ShortStorySaturday The goal is to publishContinue Reading

Okay, I’m doing something a little different. I’m giving fair warning that a contest is coming. As usual, newsletter subscribers will be rewarded with bonus entries. And what will the prizes be? Your choice of a pin from the new Para & Horror Pins idea list in the Skareporium. “Where’dContinue Reading

The past few days a couple headlines about highly anticipated movies have caught my eye, namely Hellboy and IT: Chapter Two. Both because they emphasized the blood in them. Here, I’ll show you what I mean. “The latest trailer for the Hellboy reboot brings the blood and gore” – TheContinue Reading

I sent out a Merry Christmas newsletter from the Skeleton Crew (with a link back to the Happy Holidays post I wrote), and I was delighted to get a few replies in return. One of them is even the reason for this post. Kevin is the Head Ghoul of aContinue Reading