The other night I learned about a very novel and awesome sounding haunt jaunty attraction while watching TV with my husband: the Great Horror Campout. It was on Shark Tank of all things. Wayne was watching it. I was  half-paying attention as I played Angry Birds Friends. Until this ladyContinue Reading

We are super excited about our 1st Annual Horror Writing Contest! What a great response we had! We figured we may only get a handful of submissions. Nope. We ended up getting 17! That didn’t make our judges’ jobs easy either. There were a lot of good stories in there.Continue Reading

This is our 1st Place Winner for our 1st Annual Horror Writing Contest. THE EASY WAY By Matthew Weber What happened makes no sense to me, even today as I look back years later. But one thing’s for sure—I wish I’d never listened to that toothless man at the gasContinue Reading

This is our 2nd Place Winner for our 1st Annual Horror Writing Contest. HOUSE AND GARDEN By Elizabeth Hosang The hinges on the heavy oak door screamed in protest as Mr. Engles pushed against it, revealing a cavernous entryway.  The lawyer pressed a switch and a cobwebbed candelabra flickered toContinue Reading

This is our 3rd Place Winner for our 1st Annual Horror Writing Contest. IN THE DARK LURK QUIET THINGS By Morgan Griffith From my shotgun view through the passenger window of my brother’s Mustang I sat absorbed,  eyes taking in the dark neighborhoods glowing with jack-o-lanterns, cobwebbing and occasional retailContinue Reading

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Haunt Jaunts Announces Its 1st Annual Horror Writing Contest Scary stories wanted! Haunt Jaunts is offering cash prizes for the three scariest tales that keep its judges up at night. August 28, 2013: Haunt Jaunts, a travel site for restless spirits that specializes in paranormal tourism, isContinue Reading

  Over a year ago, Haunt Jaunts signed up for Crazy Dog TShirts‘s affiliate program. The reason I applied was in part because of the shirt I’m modeling above. The Friday the 13th series is one of my faves. (Well, I really only love one through three, but will watch theContinue Reading

Guess what season it is? Still Winter, technically. Ha! Did I getcha? Seriously though, I can tell Spring is drawing near. Lately I’m seeing more and more horror and paranormal events being advertised, something that’s sort of dead in Winter (pun intended). Here’s the ones I’ve seen so far. IfContinue Reading

OMG! OMG! OMG! I love when movie clips like the one for Grave Encounters come to my attention. The film’s producer, Shawn Angelski, actually shared it with me himself. Don’t know how he found me, but I am SO happy he did. This movie looks freaking great! Here’s the analogyContinue Reading

If you’ve been reading Haunt Jaunts for a while, you may recall a site I used to love called Screamstress. I liked it so much I named it as one of HJ’s Best of 2009 winners as well as one of 20 Spots to Watch for Paranormal Activity in 2010.Continue Reading

I received an interesting email about The Paranormal Activity Home Entertainment Sweepstakes. Enter to win a red-carpet screening in your home (with press and all) plus a home entertainment system. Entries will be accepted until 12:01 p.m. EST on December 18, 2009. They’ll pick a winner that same day. ParanormalContinue Reading

If all has gone as planned, today we should be docked in Key West. (I must confess. I actually wrote this before we left to post while we’re gone. That’s why the “if all has gone as planned” statement.) At any rate, I thought since I was in Florida, I’dContinue Reading