If you’ve been reading Haunt Jaunts for a while, you may recall a site I used to love called Screamstress. I liked it so much I named it as one of HJ’s Best of 2009 winners as well as one of 20 Spots to Watch for Paranormal Activity in 2010.Continue Reading

I received an interesting email about The Paranormal Activity Home Entertainment Sweepstakes. Enter to win a red-carpet screening in your home (with press and all) plus a home entertainment system. Entries will be accepted until 12:01 p.m. EST on December 18, 2009. They’ll pick a winner that same day. ParanormalContinue Reading

If all has gone as planned, today we should be docked in Key West. (I must confess. I actually wrote this before we left to post while we’re gone. That’s why the “if all has gone as planned” statement.) At any rate, I thought since I was in Florida, I’dContinue Reading