I met paranormal romance author Shiela Stewart after posting the interview with Pamela K. Kinney. We got to chatting and the idea of both an interview and a guest blog spot came up. I was delighted when she agreed to both! Today I’m pleased to post her interview. In theContinue Reading

  Pamela K. Kinney is the author of Haunted Richmond, Virginia, and her newest release, Haunted Virginia: Legends, Myths, and True Tales. I dared to contact her about whether she’d be interested in being interviewed and to my delight she said she would! Below is the result of our Q&A session. IContinue Reading

You may recall a blog not too long ago where I mentioned a paranormal pal of mine was launching Fun with Donna, a paranormal party business?  Well I thought it’d be fun to interview Donna, so without further ado here’s our Q&A exchange. Courtney Mroch: How long have you been aContinue Reading