Polaroids of who what when where why how questions on a wood backgrond

Before my chat with Alexandra Holzer, daughter of paranormal pioneer, Hans Holzer, on October 19th, I asked what would you ask her? I received some fabulous questions. (Thanks again to all who submitted). I had shared which questions I was thinking of asking her in the “what would you ask her”Continue Reading

Alexandra Holzer

Have you been watching The Holzer Files on Travel Channel? I don’t have cable so I haven’t had the chance to see it, but I do have the chance to talk with someone connected to the show: Hans Holzer’s daughter, Alexandra. Which, can I just say, blows me away. HansContinue Reading

Lon Strickler Alien Disclosure

When I had the radio show, I interviewed a new guest just about every week. That’s one of the things I missed doing and partly why I decided to start the podcast. I’ve known Lon Strickler from Phantoms and Monsters almost as long I’ve been doing Haunt Jaunts. (Haunt JauntsContinue Reading

Adam Berry and Amy Bruni on investigaiton

Amy Bruni, co-star and executive producer of Travel Channel’s hit paranormal series Kindred Spirits, calls upon over 20 years of investigative experience to help people reclaim their homes and lives from the mysteries of the unknown. I recently contacted Amy Bruni on behalf of Haunt Jaunts, and asked her toContinue Reading

Howie Odell is always posting cool show links in various Facebook groups, including HJ’s Eerie Events & Paracons. And sometimes he posts videos too. Of himself talking about various things. Upcoming shows, guests, or whatever else is on his mind. Anyway, he caught my eye and I decided I wantedContinue Reading

Thank goodness I put the call out about what would you ask Amy and Adam from Kindred Spirits. Thanks to all of you who answered (a couple on that post, a couple on the Facebook share, a few on Instagram, and a bunch on Twitter), I had questions galore. As it turnedContinue Reading

I’m very excited to announced that moi, your Ambassador of Dark & Paranormal Tourism, Courtney Mroch, has been invited to appear on The Haunted Chronicles Friday May 12 at 8 pm Eastern / 7 pm Central/ 5 pm Pacific / 1 am GMT on ParaMania Radio. So now I’m invitingContinue Reading

With the weather warming up, getting outside and getting some exercise becomes more appealing. Nicer weather is also more conducive to haunt jaunting. Regular walking ghost tours marry the two (exercise plus haunt jaunting), but earlier this year a unique tour in Utah came to my attention: Pedal Provo GhostContinue Reading

Last night was a fun conversation with Paul Fitz-George, who graciously agreed to join us even though showtime started at 1 a.m. his time! (Paul is based in the U.K. Catterick Village, to be exact.) If I’d had to stay up that late, I might’ve struggled to stay awake, butContinue Reading

I didn’t share the recap for Emerian’s show last Wednesday, but it appears I’m catching up on recaps today, so here we go. It was very exciting to get to talk to Emz for a change. We’ve exchanged a lot of email correspondence, we keep track of each other onContinue Reading

Apologies for not posting this show recap the Wednesday immediately following Chris Verstraete’s appearance on the show. Adding radio to my repertoire increased my work load, and well…I’m still figuring out how to juggle it all. But I figured better late than never, right? In case you missed Chris’s show,Continue Reading