I’ve got to know Nathan from A State of Mind thanks to Twitter. You might recognize the name because (a) either you follow his blog too, or (b) you recall @AStateofMind was one of the Best Twitter Followers winners in the HJ Best of 2009 Awards. Recently Nathan left aContinue Reading

I’m continuing something I set out to do for 2010, which is chatting with other bloggers about Haunt Jaunting. The wonderful and wordsmith-gifted Julie from Above the Norm graciously agreed to participate, so she’s the next lucky victim -er, I mean subject –of my experiment. Why Above the Norm? AfterContinue Reading

When Dane Whitehead of Phasma Ex Machina asked if I’d be interested in being a part of their “6 Questions With” series, I thought that was cool enough. But today I finally had a chance to check emails. (We have friends in and then we got all this snow I’veContinue Reading

Now that I’ve established some relationships with a few other bloggers, I thought it’d be fun do something different in 2010: talk with them about Haunt Jaunts (and a few other things). To kick things off, I picked one of my favorites: none other than the Haunt Jaunts Best ofContinue Reading

Here’s something you don’t run across every day: a publishing house with a resident ghost that specializes in horror, suspense, dark fantasy and science fiction. But that’s exactly the story at Pill Hill Press. I have to give credit to my friend Chris Verstraete for bringing this to my attention.Continue Reading

My friend Jade Walker recently got married. For their honeymoon, she and her husband spent a month touring Europe. (That was their dream. They’d been saving for it ever since I first met her, back when I was writing for Families.com.) When she got back she mentioned they’d had anContinue Reading

As I told Chad Savage when he said he finally had time to answer my questions and to send ’em on over, I’m a HUNORMOUS fan of this man’s work. (I initially contacted him at the end of September/the beginning of October. a.k.a. An extremely busy time for anyone involvedContinue Reading

Strap on your hiking boots, folks. We’re off to Haunt Jaunt with Marianne O’connor, author of Haunted Hikes of New Hampshire. You might recall Ms. O’connor’s book was one of the prizes in my fiberdoodles-inspired Halloween Blog Party Giveaway. I mentioned back then that I’d be interviewing her. True toContinue Reading

I am very pleased and exited to bring you this interview with artist Lewis Barrett Lehrman, Painter of Dark™. If his name sounds familiar it’s because I’ve written about him and his work here before. (See Dabbling in the Dark Arts.) Mr. Lehrman allowed me into his Haunted Studio (figurativelyContinue Reading

I first came across Debe Branning, author of Sleeping with Ghosts: A Ghost Hunter’s Guide to Arizona’s Haunted Hotels and Inns, when I was adding ghost guides and regional ghost books to HauntJaunts.net’s Emporium. Later I learned she’s also the leader and founder of MVD Ghost Chasers Mesa Arizona and the Arizona Haunted SitesContinue Reading

I’ve been on a bit of an interviewing binge lately and my next victim –er, I mean subject— is Michael J. Varhola, author of Ghosthunting Virginia and, his latest release, Ghosthunting Maryland. Both books are part of America’s Haunted Road Trip’s series of travel guides. I knew of Mr. Varhola andContinue Reading