Loch Ness Centre & Exhibition exterior

“Calling all monster hunters,” one of the Good Morning America hosts stated today. “The Loch Ness Centre in Scotland is looking for volunteers to join an effort to search for the infamous Loch Ness Monster. Putting out the call to help them put on the largest search since the 1970s,Continue Reading

Sharksploitation key art

Sharksploitation is among the three serial killer documentaries streaming this summer. At first, I thought it was somewhat of a stretch including Sharksploitaiton on that list. But not now after having seen it. Not all shark movies have sharks who in essence are serial killers, but a good deal do.Continue Reading

The Winter King first look photo of Arthur, Guinevere and Ceinwyn

Winter is coming…but not in the form of another Game of Thrones spin-off à la House of the Dragon. MGM+ recently announced that The Winter King, a 10-episode original series, is scheduled to premiere on the premium subscription service on August 20 at 9:00 p.m. EDT/PDT. But I couldn’t passContinue Reading

Exterior of The Stanley at dusk from the right

The Stanley Hotel in Estes Park, Colorado, is famous for a few things. It’s hosted royals, celebrities, and is loaded with a history over 100 years old. But most importantly, it’s where Stephen King was inspired to write his famous novel, The Shining. As the story goes, King and hisContinue Reading

Satan Wants You

Did the title of this forthcoming documentary grab your attention as much as it did mine? The world premiere of Satan Wants You will happen during SXSW 2023, which takes place from March 10 to March 19 in Austin, Texas. It’s also among the 18 films featured in SXSW’s DocumentaryContinue Reading

Changes coming in 2023 newspaper headline predictions

What do deceased prognosticators like Nostradamus and the mystic Baba Vanga to modern-day soothsayers working at CNN and USA Today see in this year’s future? Let’s check out their predictions for 2023 and see if there’s anything they all agree on. Nostradamus’ Predictions for 2023 In the New York Post,Continue Reading

Collage of Sideworld covers for Haunted Forests of England, Terrors of the Sea and Damnation Village

“When the line between fact and fiction is enshrouded in mist and shadow, beyond that threshold is a place that can change our perspective on everything we think we know. I call this place…the Sideworld.”  Rubicon Films and director George Popov are no strangers to the spookier side of filmmaking.Continue Reading

Trollveggen Norway scenic mountain road

Do you long to travel to Norway? I sure do. For one, because I’d love to see the fjords and mountains. But also because I’m addicted to Nordic noir, a genre of true crime fiction, and I love how the country embraces and incorporates trolls into its culture. Which isContinue Reading

Creepy scarecrow in a field with the sun setting

Guest contributor Pamela K. Kinney guides us on a journey into the world of scarecrows to see if they’re really as scary as their name implies. Let’s find out… Are Scarecrows Truly Scary? By Pamela K. Kinney Scarecrows are a sign of autumn, and most people think of them connectedContinue Reading

Scary-looking Leopard

Let’s face it. Us humans like to think we’re top of the food chain…until we find ourselves out in the wild and we’re reminded that we’re not. The trailer for Beast starring Idris Elba reminded me of that recently. It also made me think of a couple of posts I’veContinue Reading

Mass Shooting And Demons Ahead Sign

In this guest post, supernatural folklorist Victoria Jaye examines the fallacy of demons having anything to do with mass shootings. Which you might think goes without saying, but there are people out there who believe that’s why we have so many in the U.S. Victoria helps us understand why that’sContinue Reading

Engraving rendering of the Beast of Gevaudan

In a review where I examined how scary the werewolf movie The Cursed was, I mentioned that it partly drew its inspiration from the Beast of Gevaudan, a real-life man-eating creature. Which I guess pretty much answers the title question. Yes. The Beast of Gevaudan is real. Or was. ItContinue Reading