Screenshot of the Spot the Internation Space Station map

Besides becoming an astronaut and hitching a ride to the International Space Station, is there another way you can see it? Like from Earth without having to leave this atmosphere? Yes! In fact, you may not even need to leave your yard. However, if you are interested in turning itContinue Reading

Death Walker discovery+ UK poster

Updated January 27, 2023 On April 2, Nick Groff Tweeted that his new series, Death Walker, would premiere on discovery+ UK on April 9. DEATH WALKER Premiering April 9th on Discovery+ UK!@discoveryplusUK #deathwalker — Nick Groff (@NickGroff_) April 2, 2021 Obviously, this bummed out a lot of Nick GroffContinue Reading

Witch woman in black holding crystals

An article in Coast to Coast caught my eye, as they often do, because of the clever headline: “Golf-Loving Witch Has Sage Advice for Masters Tournament Players.” I don’t know what tickled me more: The thought of a “golf-loving witch,” which of course invoked images of a witch flying aroundContinue Reading

Collage of haunted places on Independence Missouri's Paranormal Path

Missouri is no stranger to haunted places. In fact, some of them have even been investigated on paranormal shows, such as when Amy and Adam from Kindred Spirits went to the Belvoir Winery & Inn in Liberty, Missouri. Steve and Amy from The Dead Files have investigated several private homes inContinue Reading

U.S. Ghost Adventures Lizzie Borden House New Owners

You might have heard the news that the Lizzie Borden Bed and Breakfast Museum has new owners. U.S. Ghost Adventures recently acquired the property in Fall River, Massachusetts, after the previous owners decided it was time to retire. U.S. Ghost Adventures plans to continue operating it as a museum andContinue Reading

Woman eating popcorn on a couch while she binge watches TV

Do you love true crime? I mean, to the point you’re obsessed with it? I’d ask if you’d also like to earn a couple thousand dollars too, but I’m pretty sure I already know the answer to that one: who wouldn’t? Especially if it involved doing something you love, likeContinue Reading

Raven's Manor lighted drink with skull

Do you love things like the Haunted Mansion, Clue, and Halloween? Do you love being surrounded by gargoyles, skeletons, and haunted dolls? Would taps made from human skulls that dispense spirits of the alcoholic variety thrill you? Then you might want to make a jaunt to Raven’s Manor in Portland,Continue Reading

White unicorn in the snow

If there’s a National Mermaid Day, which there is, then you know there has to be a National Unicorn Day too. Yep. But do you know when National Unicorn day is? (I know you uni lovers out there do!) What about why there’s such a day, or when the firstContinue Reading

Time travel tours luggage with clock on top

If you could go back to visit any point in time, what period would you choose? One of the three periods of the Mesozoic Era (Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous)? Or has Jurassic Park ruined such an adventure for you? Maybe something more modern, like the Roaring 20s? The Victorian era? TheContinue Reading

Official Poster for Things Heard and Seen

Was there a competition between producers we weren’t made aware of to see who could release the best haunted house movie in 2021? Because seriously. Today is April Fools’ Day, but no joke. I have never covered so many upcoming haunted house movie releases in two weeks as I haveContinue Reading

jail cell with ghost and person using EMF meter behind bnars

Congress has proposed a bill that, if passed, could soon make it illegal to ghost hunt in the United States. Or will it end up just becoming a highly regulated activity? We may soon find out. Amazingly, the proposed bill has bipartisan support from members of both the U.S. HouseContinue Reading

The Night House poster

“You were right. There is nothing. You’re safe now.” When you read the above, what do you think? Does it sound like something comforting someone might say to someone going through a hard time? Or does it sound a little ominous and unsettling? Before watching the trailer for the forthcomingContinue Reading