AddamsFest Be Witched 2024

Would you rather be bewitched or do the bewitching? A little of both may happen if you visit Westfield, New Jersey’s popular October celebration, AddamsFest. I don’t remember if they had themes in years past, but they do this year: Be Witched. They’re also bringing back past favorite activities, including:Continue Reading

A lake like where Friday the 13th was filmed

I wouldn’t consider myself a full-blown set-jetter. More of an occasional one. But I have been known to curate trips that include visiting places where movies (horror or otherwise) were filmed. One place I’m curious to check out but haven’t made it to yet is Camp No-Be-Bo-Sco, the real-life BoyContinue Reading

Spooktacular Prime Day 2024 Deals

Ghosts on Canvas wall art.  Gothic cat trees with coffin beds. A NOLA Crypt Horror Ornament. These are just a few of my favorite creepy things in the Skareporium that are included in the Prime Day 2024 deals. And I’m not just impressed because they’re on sale. I’m amazed thatContinue Reading

Aztec Death Whistle from ARKAEOLOGY

“What in the world is an Aztec Death Whistle?” I wondered when I saw the skeleton/skull-like face that sported a spiky, feather design on top of its head. My perplexion continued when I read more of its description, which included the words “loud” and “screaming.” The “loud” made sense, butContinue Reading

No Sci-Fi World

“Will Sci-Fi World really open this time?” That’s what I wondered when I wrote about the museum’s announcement that it was finally set to open on May 27, 2024. As I explained in that post, “It’s a valid question since this wouldn’t be the first time they announced an opening date.”Continue Reading

Sasquatch Olympic medal mascots

The “fun or frightening?” part of the title about Olympic mascots reeled me in. However, one sentence in particular sent me down the research rabbit hole. “Over the decades, the world has welcomed snowmen, sasquatches, cowboy-hat-wearing bears and aliens to the Olympic stage,” the CNN article reported. “Wait. What? ThereContinue Reading

St. Augustine Lighthouse haunted

The Manitou Incline, the most physically demanding landmark in the United States, isn’t haunted. But it is located in Manitou Springs, Colorado, which does have some groovy haunted history. It also hosts the Emma Crawford Coffin Races every year. (You’ll find it listed under the “Weird & Wacky Fun” sectionContinue Reading

Screenshot of the Grand Midway Hotel

“Wait, wait, wait,” I said when I noticed where the link that a friend had shared with me led. Before that, all I’d been able to see was the video’s title: “Step inside the record-breaking Haunted Hotel! – Meet The Record Spookers.” Of course, I was interested in watching it,Continue Reading

Lucy Backpack Fallout

I’m late writing about this, so if you’re a diehard fan of the Prime Video series Fallout, you likely already know that you can “equip your vault” with awesome show merch from Amazon’s Fallout Store. We’re talking everything from collectibles and accessories to apparel and beverages. And of course games,Continue Reading

The Haunted Mansion LED Caretaker

“You know your friend supports your Halloween addiction when…” There are many ways to fill in that blank. (I invite you to share how you would in the comments below.) In my case, it’s when my friends make sure to share any cool skeleton finds or anything Haunted Mansion. ThanksContinue Reading

Northern Lights Forecast

“We’re already getting inundated with viewer photos of the Northern Lights,” one of the local meteorologists said during the 10 p.m. Friday news. “Look at all these sightings. Keep those pics coming.” Wait. What? We were really getting a chance to see the aurora borealis in Middle Tennessee? Clearly, fromContinue Reading

An AI rendering of the Three Ice Men

“Perhaps you’ve heard the old proverb that warns not to plant until after the ‘Three Ice Men’ have passed,” the Farmers’ Almanac article began. Um, no. That’s new to me. However, I’m also not much of a gardener. I may plant a few flowers or herbs in containers every year,Continue Reading