Sunset on Percy Priest Lake

One of the episodes that caught my eye in discovery+’s paranormal programming highlights for Feb. 1 through the 14 was Paranormal Caught on Camera’s “Mermaid in Nashville.” It began streaming on Friday, Feb. 5. I’d never watched an episode of Paranormal Caught on Camera before then because it had alwaysContinue Reading

The Haunted Walk logo

Back in December, I took a podcast jaunt with Jim Dean. Jim is the Creative Director for The Haunted Walk ghost tour company out of Canada and is also the host of their Haunted Talks podcast. If The Haunted Walk sounds familiar, they’re also the ones who came up withContinue Reading

Charles Manson La Bianca Murder House

In 2019, I wondered what Zak Bagans would do with the LaBianca murder house after he snatched it up. (The house at 3301 Waverly Drive in Los Feliz, Los Angeles, California, had barely been on the market three weeks when he bought it.) Today I got an answer after seeingContinue Reading

Discovery plus collage of paranormal shows

I knew about some of the paranormal titles launching on discovery+ when the new streamer went live on January 4, 2021. However, I was confused. Even though it was touting itself as the “greatest collection of real-life entertainment” and claiming that when it launched it would have “the largest-ever contentContinue Reading

Historic Jefferson Hotel exterior at night

Is the Historic Jefferson Hotel one of the most haunted hotels in America? It’s para-friendly new owners think so and are on a quest to make it one of the most recognized haunted hotels in the world. They’ve even trademarked the moniker “the World’s Most Haunted Hotel.” Recently, The MarshallContinue Reading

Bearded mans face

At the beginning of every year, psychic Antonio Vazquez calls a press conference to share his political, economic, sports, and showbiz predictions for the year ahead. The press conferences are popular and well-attended, but how accurate are the Brujo Mayor’s (Grand Witch, or in his case since he’s male, Warlock)Continue Reading

La Befana in Como, Italy

La Befana Day is one of the January days on the Weird Holidays and Observances page. (January 5.) Once upon a time, I wrote a little about La Befana when I covered creepy Christmas traditions around the world, but I thought it was high time she got a post ofContinue Reading

swinging pocket watch in motion for hypnosis

Among the interesting January days you’ll find on the Weird Holidays and Observances page is World Hypnotism Day on January 4. I guess that takes care of the “when” part of the questions, right? But there are more, like what is World Hypnotism Day all about? What is its history?Continue Reading

Collage of Top 12 2020 post images

I always think New Year’s Eve is a great time to look back and see where I’ve been in the past year. Sadly, thanks to the coronavirus pandemic, my big travel plans were interrupted. But it wasn’t so bad. I had more time to write so I thought it’d beContinue Reading

2020 let's move on rating

Even before this year took a sharp turn towards Crazy Town Junction thanks to the coronavirus pandemic, Black Lives Matter protests, and the presidential election, I decided to do something new this year. I created an Evernote list titled “#Endof2020 Recap.” My plan was to track all of the year’sContinue Reading

Josef Kruger from US Ghost Adventures with Lily

The first time I talked with Josef from US Ghost Adventures, we left off with a tease promising a show devoted to Lily the haunted doll. Or their “Host a Ghost” as they call her. I had questions about Lily, first and foremost: Why do they advise not leaving herContinue Reading

Survivor 2020 award

Today I sent newsletter subscribers a special holiday greeting, which included a little souvenir: a 2020 Survivor Award. Side note: Not a subscriber? You really should become one. In addition to special souvenirs, they get other VIP treatment, including bonus entries for contests and even subscriber-only giveaways. Visit the NewsletterContinue Reading