Haunted Museum in Nottingham logo with creepy doll background

The Haunted Museum in Mapperley, Nottingham, U.K., is housed inside the Old Majestic Theater.  According to its website, it home to evil spirits, 1,000+ haunted objects and “a mirror room said to turn visitors mad.” Sounds like a great place to visit, right? But wait, it gets better. Visitors canContinue Reading

Winchester Mystery House reopening graphic

After being closed since March, the Winchester Mystery House reopening has finally been announced: Monday, July 13, 2020. It’s not a Friday, but it is a 13, a number that’s significant to the house. What can visitors expect when they’re allowed back into the mansion? Here’s what’s stayed the sameContinue Reading

Haunted History Tours logo

Haunted History Tours has been a staple in the New Orleans ghost tour trade for 25 years. However, like so many businesses in the service, travel and tourism industries, the tour company has suffered a major financial hit in 2020 thanks to the novel coronavirus crisis. The owner, Sidney Smith,Continue Reading

Randonautica logo

The other day my A Haunt Mess podcast co-host, Sara, asked if I’d heard of, or done, Randonautica. “Rando-what-i-ca? What the heck is that?” “You’ve got to try it. I think you’ll really like it. My girls introduced me to it and my sister and I have been having fun doing itContinue Reading

COllage of sneak peek at Disney Parks games coming Fall 2020

I saw an article on Popsugar about a Hocus Pocus game Disney will release this Fall, but it also referred to a “shriek peek” post on the Disney Parks Blog with information about new Haunted Mansion and Nightmare Before Christmas games coming soon too. Well, actually the Disney Parks BlogContinue Reading

The Missouri State Penitentiary

Haunted places like the Winchester Mystery Museum and the 1886 Crescent Hotel re-opened for business on May 15 with new social distancing safety measures in place. As more states have begun re-opening and easing restrictions, we’re starting to see more and more haunted places announcing they’re re-opening too, like theContinue Reading

Hotel Paranormal poster

All week the haunted headlines have been buzzing about the new Canadian docuseries, Hotel Paranormal, starring Dan Aykroyd of Ghostbusters fame. It’s set to premiere tonight, May 15, on T+E, which stands for Totally Entertaining. It’s a channel that broadcasts all sorts of dramas and series, including ones about theContinue Reading

Lady in black Victorian clothing standing in a window with a candle

Coronavirus lockdown restrictions are easing in a lot of places, including California and Arkansas where the Winchester Mystery House and the 1886 Crescent Hotel are located, respectively. Both places recently announced they’re reopening starting Friday, May 15. But they’re not going directly back to business as usual. Let’s look atContinue Reading

360 degree walk through graphic of Winchester Mystery House

Have you ever wanted to explore the Winchester Mystery House at your leisure with no crowds or restricted access? Thanks to their new 360 Walk Through experience you can! Video Access Tour The Winchester Mystery House has come up with some great offerings during this coronavirus quarantine crisis we findContinue Reading

Haunt Jaunts Paranormal Day Paracon banner

Paranormal Day happens every year on May 3. Last year I tried to do an online Paranormal Day Pop-Up Event, but it was a bust for a lot of reasons. Mostly, I wasn’t very organized. However, I’m going to try again this year with a Paranormal Day Paracon. Might as wellContinue Reading

Peggy the Doll

Peggy the Doll has her own room at Zak Bagans’ Haunted Museum. One of the 13 things to expect when visiting the museum is spending time alone with her to ask her questions. Well, you won’t be all alone. The other members of your tour group will be with you.Continue Reading

Nightmare on Elm Street's Robert Englund hosts Travel Channel's True Terror

One, two Freddy’s got a message for you… Robert Englund might always be best known for his role as the infamous Freddy Krueger from Nightmare on Elm Street, but he’s also the star of Travel Channel’s True Terror. He combined both projects to put out a super fun stay safeContinue Reading