A few weeks back, HorrorAddict.net’s Horror Hostess, Emerian “Emz” Rich, joined me on the podcast. We talked about what’s coming in Horror Addicts 15th season of their podcast, new book releases they’ve got planned, and more. But Emerian also had some work to do. Namely, unboxing the Gothic horror mysteryContinue Reading

Surreal road winding through the sky leading to a heart-shaped tree

From the doctors and nurses to the police, fire, EMTs, delivery drivers, grocery store workers and everyone in between who’s out there during this coronavirus crisis, the Skeleton Crew at Haunt Jaunts extends our heartfelt thanks for all you’re doing. To those staying at home, either because layoffs have forcedContinue Reading

Still image of the dancing skeleton against a brick background

You may have seen the “I’m so happy I’m next in line at Wal-Mart” dancing skeleton video at some point. It’s been around for several years and always seems to resurface on social media every Halloween. Here’s a video I found of it on YouTube: That dancing skeleton comes fromContinue Reading

Quarantine-o-ween infographic

Updated March 30, 2020 My friend, author Katie Craig, tagged me in a post she saw on Instagram from the @greatpumpkinproject, who in turn had shared it from the originating source, @preservehalloween, about Quarantine-o-ween:   View this post on Instagram   #Repost @preservehalloween with @get_repost ??? Sounds like a planContinue Reading

Eleanor the haunted doll with a mic getting ready to podcast

Eleanor may not really be a haunted doll. The verdict is still out. She is interesting and a tad creepy, though. In a cute way. (Smalls, the littlest member of our Skeleton Crew, is cuckoo crazy about her.) My A Haunt Mess podcast co-host, Sara, is Eleanor’s “mom.” She’s hadContinue Reading

Zak Bagans Haunted Museum Sign

Zak Bagans’ Haunted Museum hopped on the COVID-19 closure bandwagon this week, according to the Las Vegas Review-Journal. The Proverbial Closed Sign Here’s the Tweet from Twitter: Zak Bagans’ The Haunted Museum is temporarily suspending all operations as of today until further notice: pic.twitter.com/nyB22aueku — Zak Bagans’ The Haunted MuseumContinue Reading

The Myers House NC Spookhouse Theater movie screen with Michael Myers holding a knife in front of it

The Myers House NC throws a big Halloween bash every year, but check out this exciting post on Instagram that I spotted: View this post on Instagram   I’m excited to finally announce SPOOKHOUSE THEATER! This has been a long time in the making and a dream come true forContinue Reading

Artist Dan Chudzinski's sketch of the Ohio Dogman

Tales of mythical creatures abound in Ohio. Some of the state’s best known beasts include the Ohio Grassman, Dogman and even their own kind of Nessie: the Lake Erie Monster they call Bessie. Many people have reported spotting various supernatural creatures within the state. But there’s never been a reportContinue Reading

Nightshades Paranormal Museum storefront

Green Bay Ghost Tours owner Tim Freiss recently decided to add on to his hauntrepreneur empire by opening a paranormal museum. According to WeAreGreenBay.com, in addition to haunted items, Freiss also has “tribal spirit statues and masks, Tibetan shaman spiritual instruments, voodoo and witch related items.” It’s small and forContinue Reading

Graphic for Feedspot's Top 75 Paranormal Blogs Websites and Influencers in 2020

A few years ago someone at Feedspot reached out to let me know Haunt Jaunts had been included on their Top 50 Paranormal Blogs on the web list. Feedspot has since added 25 more slots to its Top Paranormal Blogs, Websites & Influencers list. Did Haunt Jaunts make the listContinue Reading

Miniature footballs and pins on maps pinpointing San Francisco and Kansas City with ghosts

I thought it’d be fun to have a little Super Bowl fun, Haunt Jaunts style. Don’t worry. If you’re not a sports person, you don’t need to be to enjoy this post. You do have to like unusual places, though. That’s what we’ll be looking at. However, just in caseContinue Reading

Haunt Jaunts Dolly Parton Challenge

If you follow HJ on social media (Twitter, Facebook and Insta), you might’ve seen our Dolly Parton Challenge. If not, you’ve seen it now! When I first shared it on Twitter last week, one friend laughed and said, “Dolly Parton Challenge? What the heck is that?” I happen to knowContinue Reading