Glowing skeleton hands using a planchette on a Ouija board

This post contains affiliate links. See affiliate disclaimer here. The other day when I added a Creepy Kitchen Finds list to the Skareporium, I discovered some stuff to add to the Get Your Ouija On list. That’s when the question in the title formed. I know a lot of peopleContinue Reading

The Paranormal Gift Shop Paranormal Patrol Banner

This post contains affiliate links. See affiliate disclaimer here. The other day I received a very nice email from the Paranormal Gift Shop. They introduced themselves and asked if I’d like to join their affiliate program. What else could I do but check into that? Well, I guess I could’veContinue Reading

Three empty, crooked picture frames hanging on a creepy dingy wall.

This is a guest contribution from Sally Writes. Back in 2000, a “Haunted Painting.” was listed on eBay that spread like wildfire. The seller was anonymous, but the painting was very much real. Entitled “The Hands That Resist Him” by artist Bill Stoneham, the painting depicted a boy with aContinue Reading

Craig-Y-Nos Fright Night Hen Party Guests

Summer’s here, which means wedding season is too. And with that comes bachelor and bachelorette parties –or stag and hen parties as they’re called in the U.K. The latter have really grown in popularity in the last decade or so. Destination bachelorette/hen parties are especially all the rage. But howContinue Reading

The Haunted Mansion 50th Header

This year the Haunted Mansion turns 50 (along with Scooby Doo and Sesame Street). I’ve been waiting for announcements of some sort of hoopla. Because I knew some had to be coming. No way would they let that major milestone go uncelebrated. Well, the other day I saw a postContinue Reading

Archive of the Afterlife Paranormal Museum logo

Revised May 22, 2019 May 18 is International Museum Day. It may seem like an innocuous day to include on the Weird Holidays & Observances listings, but not if you put a twist on it. Which, of course, I can’t help but to do. From paranormal and cryptozoology to witches,Continue Reading

stuffed animal monkey floating on back in water

This post contains affiliate links. See affiliate disclaimer here.  According to the listings on the Weird Holidays & Observances page, May 16 is National Sea Monkey Day. I’ve never taken a moment to honor it. Until now… The Sea Monkey Story I always thought it’d be fun to have seaContinue Reading

Abstract of writing and books

Last year Amy Michelle Mosier used the Contact Us page to tell me about her site, Mystic Miscellany. Now this sounds worse than it is. It was the beginning of October, so it’s not like it’s been a whole year. Just a half of one. October is always a busyContinue Reading

Liminal Earth Map

Last year a haunted places and paranormal activity mapping site came to my attention called Liminal Seattle. It’s since evolved to become Liminal Earth. What is it? In essence, it’s one big experiment or research project. A collective one open to everyone worldwide to participate in. Spooky things happen everyContinue Reading

Sheet covered ghost holding Boo chalkboard photo prop cutout

 This post contains affiliate links. See affiliate disclaimer here.  I have two confessions: Paranormal Day was among the days that inspired me to create the listings on the Weird Holidays & Observances page. I’m insanely fascinated with these newfangled, short term, limited engagement interactive events called “pop-ups.” Especially the onesContinue Reading

I Like Scary Movies banner

This post contains affiliate links. See affiliate disclaimer here.  Have you heard about the I Like Scary Movies Immersive Experience? It’s a pop-up, which are becoming more and more prominent, but this one just raised the benchmark on coolness. In 2017, to hype the premiere of IT: The First Chapter,Continue Reading

As you may or may not know, one of May’s Weird Holidays & Observances is May 4th, Stars Wars Day. (And in case you’re like my husband and don’t get it: May Fourth…May the Force…a bit of a play on words. Sound it out. It took me a while toContinue Reading