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This post contains affiliate links. See affiliate disclaimer here.  Have you heard about the I Like Scary Movies Immersive Experience? It’s a pop-up, which are becoming more and more prominent, but this one just raised the benchmark on coolness. In 2017, to hype the premiere of IT: The First Chapter,Continue Reading

As you may or may not know, one of May’s Weird Holidays & Observances is May 4th, Stars Wars Day. (And in case you’re like my husband and don’t get it: May Fourth…May the Force…a bit of a play on words. Sound it out. It took me a while toContinue Reading

This post may contain affiliate links. See affiliate disclaimer here.  I came across a great article on WDW News Today that made me want to immediately book a ticket for Orlando for this weekend. It was about one day only photo ops, experiences and snacks at The Haunted Mansion onContinue Reading

This post contains affiliate links. See affiliate disclaimer here.  Today is the first Wednesday of April, which, according to the Weird Holidays & Observances page, is Paraprofessional Appreciation Day. I’m sure that means it’s a day to honor folks like paralegals and such. (Which I actually was in a previousContinue Reading

Howie Odell is always posting cool show links in various Facebook groups, including HJ’s Eerie Events & Paracons. And sometimes he posts videos too. Of himself talking about various things. Upcoming shows, guests, or whatever else is on his mind. Anyway, he caught my eye and I decided I wantedContinue Reading

How are you feeling about winter right now? Are you ready to send it packing? Maybe burn a snowman? You might if you live in a cold climate, one that measures winter temperatures in degrees below zero and feet of snow. You might even have a Snowman Burning Festival nearContinue Reading

This is a guest contribution from Charles Phan. Ghosts, spirits and mythical creatures have long been the fascination of many cultures. Almost all cultures in the world have their own vision of spirits, their own traditions and customs when it comes to spirits. Some offer gifts for ghosts, some fearContinue Reading

I’m excited to introduce a brand new page in the Find Cons & Events family: Halloween & Haunted House Events. But I have to admit, the name is a bit misleading. Halloween haunted houses is right there in the name, but it doesn’t list Halloween Halloween haunted houses. “What areContinue Reading

Warning: If you grew up watching Scooby Doo and Sesame Street, and/or remember visiting the Haunted Mansion in the 1970s, prepare to feel old. At least that’s how I felt when I realized all three are turning 50 this year. (Because it’s a reminder I’m right behind them.) But, yep,Continue Reading

ghost girl sitting in front of a computer or TV

In addition to collecting stories for the Haunted Playthings anthology, the Skeleton Crew and I decided to venture down another fiction avenue in 2019. That’s why I’m excited to announce we’re now also accepting short story submissions. Short Story Saturday submissions to be exact. #ShortStorySaturday The goal is to publishContinue Reading

Travel Channel’s favorite adventurer and explorer Josh Gates (“Expedition Unknown”) pursues the unexpected stories behind fabled places around the globe on a new season of “Legendary Locations,” premiering Tuesday, April 2 at 10 p.m. ET/PT. Thirteen new episodes will be expanded into an hour-long format for the show’s second season.Continue Reading

The Email Last summer, a woman named Teresa Lynn used the Haunt Jaunts Contact Us form to send an email with the subject line: “A Killing in Vicksburg.” The message was only one sentence long. It read: “On June 28, 2015 ghost hunters found a body in an abandon hospitalContinue Reading