Would you eat barbecue and stay at the gas station that was in the Texas Chainsaw Massacre? “I don’t know. Would I? Probably. What does that say about me? Why do such sick things thrill me?” That’s what ran through my head when I spotted an article about the gasContinue Reading

Do you like visiting charming lighthouses? What about haunted ones? Have you ever wanted to stay in a charming, haunted lighthouse? Then you’ll want to read on to find out about the Discovery Experience at Haig Point. Daufuskie Island Getaway If you’re looking for a place to indulge in someContinue Reading

Yes, an online ghost tour could be coming to Stockton, California, in October, according to Recordnet.com.  The Downtown Stockton Alliance  recently unveiled a free self-guided online historical walking tour. The plan is to release a spookier version to coincide with Halloween. Walk with Weber Captain Charles M. Weber founded StocktonContinue Reading

I decided it’s time to do another anthology. I’m excited to introduce this time’s theme: Haunted Playthings: 13 Tales of Terror Based on True Stories…or are they?  Another one? Yes. In case you’re new around here, or have forgotten (it has been a few years), let me explain. The first oneContinue Reading

The other day I posted a quick intro to Travel Channel’s three new series, including Portals to Hell. I said there would be further posts to come on each show. Staying true to my word, here’s a bit more info about the new show starring Jack Osbourne and Katrina Weidman.Continue Reading

While scrolling through Instagram yesterday morning, an image of charred debris caught my eye. It had been posted by Wolf’s Museum of Mystery (@wolfsmuseum). I stopped to read the description and instantly felt heartsick. Turns out their museum had been destroyed in a fire!   View this post on InstagramContinue Reading

The last couple of years I basically abandoned the Ghost Tour & Ghost Hunting Events page. At least here on the site. Last year I did note that while the page was taking a temporary hiatus, events were still being shared on HJ’s Eerie Events and Paracons Facebook Group. Well,Continue Reading

Cons as in conferences and conventions. I’m not trying to con anyone. Just trying to keep track of interests I have that may suit others too. Such as true crime conferences and conventions. It may have been fortuitous that I fell behind in my maintenance of the Paracons & HorrorContinue Reading

Phantom of the Opera really has nothing to do with Madame Morbid’s Trolley Tours –apart from the fact that I found it via the TodayTix app, which I had downloaded to try and find discounted tickets to Phantom. On Broadway. Because I was in New York City and had someContinue Reading

This is a guest contribution from Sally Writes. This year the moon landing, Sesame Street and a host of other things turn 50. If you’re a part of the group that turns 50 in 2019, it’s time to start thinking about how you’ll celebrate. Turning another year older is downright scaryContinue Reading

Recently I wrote about how the haunted Old South Pittsburgh Hospital is preparing to reopen. It was fun to revisit some of my old posts from way back when I had explored there. Like the four experiences I had on the third floor, and the K2 craziness in the basement,Continue Reading

Thank goodness I put the call out about what would you ask Amy and Adam from Kindred Spirits. Thanks to all of you who answered (a couple on that post, a couple on the Facebook share, a few on Instagram, and a bunch on Twitter), I had questions galore. As it turnedContinue Reading