As it does every year, HAuNTcon kicks off the Halloween New Year in January. This year it will once again be running consecutively (side-by-side, in fact) with the Halloween & Party Expo in New Orleans, Louisiana January 25-27, 2019. What happens at this thing called HAuNTcon? It’s mostly aContinue Reading

Old South Pittsburgh Hospital will always hold a special spooky place in my heart. It’s where I lost my ghost hunting virginity. That’s why an article on the Haunted Librarian’s site last year caught my eye: Old South Pittsburg Hospital Shut Down. Say what? I had investigated there in 2010. SinceContinue Reading

If you follow Coast to Coast AM’s site, they post all kinds of articles. The ones I’ve gotten a kick out of the past several weeks are the reports of what certain clairvoyants predict for 2019’s future. So what do they have to say? Let’s take a look: Blind Mystic’sContinue Reading

If you’re a Disney fan, you likely do. If not, maybe you’re even wondering, “Mouse ears? What in the heck does that mean?” You know. As in Mickey Mouse ears? The above is an example of the classic Mickey Mouse hat I grew up with. These days headbands seem toContinue Reading

Twice in just over six months I’ve been lucky enough to visit one of my most favorite cities: San Francisco. However, every time I’ve gone, I’ve wound up at the Musée Méchanique. This time was no different. Except, I told myself I wasn’t going there this trip. Which disappointed myContinue Reading

This is a guest contribution from freelance writer Sally Writes. Castles have been around for over 1000 years since the first one was built in Germany. More than a thousand continue to this day with most being located all around Europe, Asia, and Africa with a few elsewhere. Castles have beenContinue Reading

The last half of 2018 saw some exciting developments on the paranormal front. Namely, two new historic –and haunted– locations opened for business. Not only that, both are super para-friendly. Let’s take a quick peek at both, shall we? Brushy Mountain State Penitentiary – Petros, Tennessee It’s got a bitContinue Reading

The Historic Haunts Team has not done their annual ghostly photo contest the past couple of years, but this year it’s back!   Please email them your best REAL ghostly photos for their annual contest. The top three will be featured on their website and Facebook page. They will giveContinue Reading

  The Irony of Dumplin’ (2018) On December 7, 2018, Netflix premiered Dumplin’, a Netflix original movie based on Julie Murphy’s book. Although the story was set in Texas, the film was shot in Marietta, Georgia. I know this for two reasons: 1) The movie profile in states it, and,Continue Reading

In addition to kicking off the New Year with a two part “Curse of the River Bend” Ghost Adventures special, look what else Travel Channel has in store for you. Here’s what we learned from a recent press release: Powerhouse paranormal investigators, Amy Bruni and Adam Berry, know that those who haveContinue Reading