One of the dates I love on the  Weird Holiday & Observances page is December 5, Krampusnacht. I guess because it’s a good dose of Halloween-ish spookiness with a Christmas twist? I don’t know, but it’s creepy so I love it. It’s also why any kind of Krampus-related activities pique myContinue Reading

Looking for a new and different location for a haunted getaway weekend? Globe, Arizona is an old mining town often overlooked as one of the most haunted locations in Arizona.   Like its counterparts Bisbee, Jerome, and Tombstone, Globe has a history of being an untamed mining community in theContinue Reading

This is a guest contribution from freelance writer Sally Writes.  New York City is home to a number of world-renowned attractions, including the Statue of Liberty, Central Park, Brooklyn Bridge, and the Empire State Building. The City That Never Sleeps, with its 400-year long history, is also home to aContinue Reading

Post updated November 21, 2018. The Melancholy Killer named you in his will and left you all his belongings. His fans believe he’s innocent, but somebody gutted those nine unsuspecting victims… From the makers of Hunt A Killer, the thriller subscription box loved by many, comes their latest premium box,Continue Reading

Okay the title may be misleading because I believe your window of opportunity is very limited for entering to win a free investigation at the Haunted Haldeman Mansion. Like, if you don’t read this post the same day, you may not be able to still enter. However, you still canContinue Reading

This post is shamefully overdue. Back in July a man named Thomas Miller used the Contact Us page to reach out about a podcast he hosts called You Had Me at Bigfoot. (All their info will be shared at the end of the post.) Anyway, here’s what he wrote: ItContinue Reading

This is a guest contribution from Vanessa Bermudez. Learn more about her in the About the Contributor section below. There are plenty of haunted hot spots throughout the United States, but some locations have a deeper history that expands beyond their paranormal instances. These five plantations are believed to be inhabitedContinue Reading

Was I being haunted by The Haunting of Hill House? Felt like it. To say the first official Skellie’s Boo-k Club discussion meeting didn’t go well would be an understatement. Hiccups? Galore. It was a disaster. Bad Timing It all started when I noticed I’d put the wrong time inContinue Reading

  I had big plans for this month, my most favorite month of all. But one thing after another squelched them. It left me in a very sinister mood. Being haunted by ants (long story), my site crashing, and then mid-month I found myself taking an unexpected jaunt. I should’ve beenContinue Reading

I’ve learned about a lot of neat things from following the social media accounts for the people behind the Davis Graveyard. (If you like spooky Halloween graveyards, this home haunt looks amazing. I’ve never jaunted to check it out myself –yet– but I love seeing all the photos and videosContinue Reading