Looking for an evening filled with a bit of history and mystery?  El Paso Ghost Tours offers a historical and paranormal experience you may never forget!  The evening begins with a leisurely walk through the streets of El Paso, Texas with your host, Leon Baker. Baker, the owner of ElContinue Reading

It seems like good ideas are like fine wine: they take time to age. In this case, I’m talking about the World’s Largest Ghost Hunt, which happens on National Ghost Hunting Day. (Both of which are listed on the Paracons & Horror Fests and Weird Holidays & Observances pages, respectively.)Continue Reading

Even though Fall is near and it’s the unofficial start of Halloween season (does it actually ever really end?), September sees the start of the wind-down on paracons and horror events. At least, that’s what a quick glance at the Paracons & Horror Fests Events page shows. The other thing to note,Continue Reading

Okay, so for full disclosure before I start, Kari from Box Bewitched contacted me a few months back asking if I’d like a crate in exchange for an honest review. I’m insanely intrigued by subscription boxes so I didn’t hesitate to say, “Yes, please!” But I have to say IContinue Reading

Lon Strickler is one of the most hard-working, dedicated paranormal bloggers and investigators I know. If you’re familiar with his popular site, Phantoms and Monsters, then you know too. He recently brought it to my attention that he needs some help when he shared his Go Fund Me page withContinue Reading

This is a guest contribution from freelance writer Sally Writes. Three in four Americans believe in the paranormal, according to a Gallup survey. With Halloween just around the corner, now is the perfect time to get the ultimate night of ghostly terror put together. There are so many great ideas thatContinue Reading

Creepy thrills and chills await ghost enthusiasts as Travel Channel hosts the ultimate Halloween event this “Ghostober” – ‘a cauldron of spooky, creepy and terrifying programming that will take viewers on a fun, spine-tingling journey across America.’ The excitement begins on Saturday, October 6 at 9 p.m. ET/PT with a four-part, four-week long “Ghost Adventures” miniseries thatContinue Reading

Any visitor to HJ who has taken an interest beyond the post or two that brought them here and has checked out the About page knows the story-behind-the-story of this place. Cancer is what prompted me to finally get off my butt (and couch) and pursue a long-held passion. Well, it’sContinue Reading

This is a guest contribution from freelance writer Sally Writes. In what is probably no news to you horror lovers, one survey reported that 26% of people looking to buy a home responded that they would be open to purchasing a haunted home, and 36% said that they might consider aContinue Reading

Glowing skeleton hands using a planchette on a Ouija board

During one of my updates to the Paracons & Horror Fests page, I learned of the Museum of Talking Boards. Specifically, it was the update for the Bayou City Paranormal Symposium in Conroe, Texas in March. Here’s the description of the con from their home page: Two days of conversations,Continue Reading

This is a guest contribution from H. Davis. It’s true, not everyone believes in ghost, spirits, or the afterlife. But what if there are strange things going on in your home that you can’t explain? As if buying a house wasn’t terrifying enough, things can get a lot scarier toContinue Reading

Ghostbusters logo on car door

How well do you know August? How many of the following questions can you answer? Were you even aware there has already been one Ghostbusters Day so far this year? Did you know there’s a lot of reason to “clown” around in August? Do you foresee any crystal balls inContinue Reading