Do you suffer from arachnophobia, or the fear of spiders? The Royal Ontario Museum in Toronto has got an exhibit for you, “Spiders: Fear & Fascination.” The exhibit runs from June 16, 2018 to January 6, 2019. Here’s the details from their site: THE EXHIBITION Spiders are one of theContinue Reading

Have you ever wondered how a haunted attraction is made? You can get a glimpse inside the process thanks to a new documentary: SCARE: a look behind the shadows, an actor-based haunted attraction. This documentary tells the story of Kelly Collins, a veteran who developed a taste for safely scaring people.Continue Reading

I came across this article from in St. Louis, Missouri: “Ready to explore the Lemp Mansion without leaving your home? Check out this 3D tour.” It will not only make this week’s Haunted Headlines post, but was so intriguing I had to write about it. Terrified to explore the LempContinue Reading

This is a guest contribution from Alissa Monroe. Psychics offer a lot of value, but that doesn’t mean all of them are the same. In fact, many “professionals” are anything but professional when it comes to their job and what is expected of them. Just like anything else where moneyContinue Reading

One bit of Friday the 13th trivia I came across that intrigued me the most was the Thirteen Club. A People article that talked about the club explained: “[I]ts stated mission was to improve the standing of the holiday and also flout all manner of superstitions. At its first meeting,Continue Reading

If you follow Haunt Jaunts on social media or YouTube, you might have seen the teaser trailer for something new coming soon to the site. It’s actually a few new somethings. If you haven’t seen any word about any teasers, consider this it. You’ll get a little more info here. JustContinue Reading

Anyone who knows me knows I love cruising. (Especially to Alaska.) My husband and I took our first cruise in 2001. Even though it wouldn’t be until 2008 that we took our second (to Alaska), that was the cruise that did it. We’ve been hooked ever since. We’re steadily workingContinue Reading

Want an easier way to conjure, manifest and cast spells? There’s a subscription service for that: Box Bewitched. In the interest of full transparency, Box Bewitched’s owner, Kari, reached out to me describing her company and asking if I’d have any interest in becoming an affiliate. I was (still am)Continue Reading

I’ve been busy making some changes to the site. One of them involved making the decision to officially said bye bye, adios, arrivederci to the Forums. Kind of an overdue farewell, to be honest. We weren’t using them and neither was anyone else. However, thanks to our awesome friends atContinue Reading

Well played, House of Cards. Or should I say, “Well advertised.” I was among your target audience for sponsored Facebook ads. I don’t remember now what the exact wording was. Something about magic bar and museum, Harry Potter, mystery and speakeasy. Oh, and unlike anything the South has ever seen. That’sContinue Reading

I follow a few authors on Amazon. I recently received notices about two of them having newly released books. I also have a friend with a sequel out that I’m curious to read. I liked her first book, so I’m wondering how she’ll continue the story. (I’m talking about C.A.Continue Reading

My friend C.A. Verstraete is the author of Lizzie Borden, Zombie Hunter and The Haunting of Dr. Bowen: A Mystery in Lizzie Borden’s Fall River (Lizzie Borden, Zombie Hunter). She has a new book releasing May 14th:  Lizzie Borden, Zombie Hunter 2: The Axe Will Fall Blurb After being acquittedContinue Reading