This is a guest contribution from freelance writer Sally Writes. If you are intrigued by all things spooky and strange, you know that there are spirits out there looking to interact and engage with the living. When visiting a supernatural location like a haunted house, it is possible to sense deadContinue Reading

A New Year is here. That means a lot of people will be making resolutions to lose weight and get fit. Once upon a time I used to resolve I’d drop X amount of pounds and get myself in better shape starting January 1st of certain years. (The “X” numberContinue Reading

Feliz Navidad! Joyeux Noel! Happy Holidays! It’s that time of year for pausing, reflecting, counting blessings, and extending glad tidings. I’ll start with a bit of reflection and blessings counting… 2017’s Good, Bad & Sad Good: The year started off on an exciting note with a trip to HAuNTcon thatContinue Reading

Funny how one thing leads to another, isn’t it? While I was writing about the lore of nutcrackers, I learned about Steinbach Nutcrackers. They sort of “revolutionized” nutcrackers, if you will, by turning them into not only artistic keepsakes, but in some cases very valuable collectibles. I couldn’t help butContinue Reading

Have a paranormal, Halloween, or horror lover to buy for this holiday season, but you’re not sure what to get them? It can be a little scary trying to find the right gift, can’t it? Fear not. Here’s some ghoulish gift ideas sure to make your recipient scream with delight.Continue Reading

Something strange is going on in your house — your jewelry is beginning to go missing, only to be discovered in the strangest of locations a few days later. Maybe your pets are watching, playing, or reacting to something you can’t see. You hear unusual noises in the hallway atContinue Reading

The following is a guest contribution from H. Davis. You hear a creak in the night. You see a shadow in the dark, and lights flicker from time to time. Unexplained noises can be heard throughout the house and when you go to investigate, there’s nothing. On certain days whenContinue Reading

As we learned from the most recent installment of Fey Fridays, the Halloween we know and love today originated back amongst the Celtics, in areas encompassing modern-day Ireland, the United Kingdom, and northern France. Originally, this society saw November 1st to be the first day of the new year, andContinue Reading

With such a long history with witchcraft, witch trials, witches in popular culture, and more, it’s no wonder the black dress, pointed hat combo remains a popular staple in Halloween costume culture. There’s a big reason autumntime is referred to as the “season of the witch” too —  because itContinue Reading

It’s probably easy to guess the favorite holiday of anyone who spends their time jaunting here around the site — and that fact is no different for many of the fey folk who cross the Irish plains and hold a cozy place in the Unseelie Courts. It’s said that HalloweenContinue Reading

If you spent any time in a high school or university class, or maybe you’re just a fan of the classics, chances are you’ve been familiar with Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream at at least one time or another. And while Shakespeare’s rendition of the fairy realm isn’t the originalContinue Reading

Paranormal investigating meets virtual reality with Paranormal Evidence, “a virtual reality investigation series that explores the unexplained phenomena reported at notoriously haunted locations.” The series premieres with an investigation of Pennhurst Asylum. All you have to do is strap on a pair of VR headsets, play the app, and BAM! You’re there…fromContinue Reading