Curious to know what a near-death experience feels like, but without any traumatic event inducing it? Thanks to the wonders of virtual reality, you now can! The Flatline Experience is a VR trip to the Other Side. Literally. It’s not a “game” per se. Since I haven’t had the pleasureContinue Reading

It’s been a while since I had a giveaway. ‘Bout time I remedy that, right? One of my favorite days of the year is Scooby Doo Day. (In addition to my birthday, wedding anniversary, Remissiversary, and Halloween.) Speaking of my Remissiversary, September is both Blood Cancer Awareness Month and LeukemiaContinue Reading

A big hearty thank you to Backpacking with the Bonds for nominating us for the Liebster Award! The Liebster Award is an award that is given by bloggers to other bloggers. Liebster is German for beloved, or dearest. The goal is to discover new blogs and part of accepting the awardContinue Reading

I’m sure many, like me, were absolutely entranced by the idea of a solar eclipse that crossed the entirety of the United States, something that hasn’t been seen for years, and won’t be seen again for many more. With eclipse glasses, t-shirts, and other swag-related marketing campaign tactics up thereContinue Reading

Are you planning on watching the total solar eclipse on August 21, 2017? Where will you watch from? Some people aren’t able to take the day off work. Some employers have made plans to break for eclipse watching office parties during the big event. However, if you are off andContinue Reading

EarthSky used some of the most spine-tingling language I’ve ever read to describe what it’s like to see a total solar eclipse.  Among other things, they described them as “other-worldly” events that reveal the sun’s corona and “its apparition-like appearance.” According to EarthSky, day won’t suddenly become night. It willContinue Reading

This is a guest contribution from H. Davis. In 1991, a commercial aired for a psychic board game that gave kids the ability to ask questions about their future: the Ouija Board Game. At the time, the board wasn’t highly known as the game that lets you talks to spirits.Continue Reading

While most witch tropes revolve around broomsticks, pointed hats, and black cats, the main witch in Slavic lore, Baba Yaga, doesn’t participate in any of these. While she does maintain the traditional physical appearance of a witch — long, spindly white hair, haggard appearance, skinny-to-the-bone arms and legs — ratherContinue Reading

The solar eclipse on August 21, 2017 is being dubbed the Great American Eclipse. (Naturally. Everything has to have a snazzy catch-phrase these days, right?) However, to be fair, this is a pretty significant astronomical event for the United States. It deserves some hoopla. Are you ready for it? OrContinue Reading

We’re full of questions today, aren’t we? In addition to wondering if you’d find it helpful to know who’s hosting an event, we’d also like to know something else. Would you find it useful if we listed events on our Paracons & Horror Fests page by category? Currently we haveContinue Reading

After months of neglect, we’re updating our Ghost Hunting Tours & Events listings in our Find a Conference or Event section. We’d love to get a little feedback on how we might improve the listings. One thing we’re considering doing is adding who the event is hosted by. Would youContinue Reading

I’ve seen them called a couple of different names, such as tragedy selfies or disaster selfies. Lately I’ve noticed a lot of articles about such selfies, like: Artist Shames Tourists Taking Inappropriate Selfies At The Holocaust Memorial Site In Berlin (NSFW) Yolocaust or Cheeky Exploit? ‘Dark tourism’ and selfies: WhatContinue Reading