It’s always nice to be noticed, right? We were sure floored when we got an email over the weekend from Anuj Aragwal, the Founder of Feedspot, notifying us that we had been included among their list of the Top 50 Paranormal Blogs on the web. Say what? Wow! Holy cow.Continue Reading

Skellie is taking on yet even more responsibilities around here. In addition to Skellie Shout Outs, his Tuesday night break song DJ duties on our radio show, and getting his own email ( if you want to hit him up for a shout out!), we’ve now given him author accessContinue Reading

Like all other Halloweenophiles, I’m psyched for October 31. Today I borrowed my human’s credit card and had a little shopping spree from one of my favorite Halloween stores, Spirit Halloween (which also happens to be one of HJ’s affiliates). They were having a big décor clearance sale and IContinue Reading

Burying a witch must be performed under the same cautionary conditions as burying a vampire — that is, going to extreme lengths to ensure they never come back again to haunt the town that put them underground in the first place. While vampires were buried with stakes to the heart,Continue Reading

Pardon the brief note. Just wanted to let everyone know Skellie and I will be taking a break from June 19-July 3, 2017 for vacation. That’s why we’ve also been remiss in publishing many posts. If you’ve followed us for any length of time, you know we neglect the blogContinue Reading

  Thanks to the entertainment media and basically just a whole bunch of misinformation, the Voodoo religion and Voodoo dolls have gotten a bit of a bad wrap in modern years. In movies, they’re portrayed as having ties to Satanism and other dark magic, being used to curse or bodilyContinue Reading

  We’ve already learned all the ways to either speak with the dead or accidentally give away the fact that you speak with the dead, but what if, instead of being a witch, you were just one of the villagers who wanted to live a calm, peaceful, witchcraft-free life? MaybeContinue Reading

We’re all familiar with playing Bloody Mary as young kids, and back in the day, that alone was enough to scare the pants off of anyone looking to contact the dead. Personally, I remember my friends trapping me in the bathroom and crying like a baby, despite not having actuallyContinue Reading

Necromancy is the magical practice of contacting the dead, usually seeking answers to the future. This can be done either through summoning entities spiritually, or even going as far as raising one from the dead — though the latter seems a little less likely, not to mention maybe a littleContinue Reading

I’m very excited to announced that moi, your Ambassador of Dark & Paranormal Tourism, Courtney Mroch, has been invited to appear on The Haunted Chronicles Friday May 12 at 8 pm Eastern / 7 pm Central/ 5 pm Pacific / 1 am GMT on ParaMania Radio. So now I’m invitingContinue Reading

Witch stereotypes run rampant in 2017, and a few have withstood the test of time. When asked to describe a common witch, a person’s first instinct might be to include the iconic black pointed hat and robes, a broomstick, a green hooked nose, and bubbling potion cauldrons. Have you everContinue Reading

It’s a mystery exactly when and where Matthew Hopkins was puttering around before 1644, but when he did arrive on the scene, it was with a bang. A few decades before the Salem Witch Trials in the US, witch hunts were already going strong in the UK. As previously mentionedContinue Reading