Naturally the word “encouraging” is being used facetiously here — seeing as most confessions brought about during the witch trials of old were done so through torturous methods that probably only incited lying about witchcraft over any actual confessions. When you read about some of the methods used to encourageContinue Reading

With the weather warming up, getting outside and getting some exercise becomes more appealing. Nicer weather is also more conducive to haunt jaunting. Regular walking ghost tours marry the two (exercise plus haunt jaunting), but earlier this year a unique tour in Utah came to my attention: Pedal Provo GhostContinue Reading

With March being Women’s History Month, I thought it might be fun to touch on (and revisit) a few of the notable women we’ve learned about in previous installments of Frightful Photo Friday, particularly those who were heavily involved in the Spiritualist movement. The three (technically five, if we’re splittingContinue Reading

Last night was a fun conversation with Paul Fitz-George, who graciously agreed to join us even though showtime started at 1 a.m. his time! (Paul is based in the U.K. Catterick Village, to be exact.) If I’d had to stay up that late, I might’ve struggled to stay awake, butContinue Reading

I didn’t share the recap for Emerian’s show last Wednesday, but it appears I’m catching up on recaps today, so here we go. It was very exciting to get to talk to Emz for a change. We’ve exchanged a lot of email correspondence, we keep track of each other onContinue Reading

Apologies for not posting this show recap the Wednesday immediately following Chris Verstraete’s appearance on the show. Adding radio to my repertoire increased my work load, and well…I’m still figuring out how to juggle it all. But I figured better late than never, right? In case you missed Chris’s show,Continue Reading

Clown with big red nose smiling

You know all those creepy clown sightings from last year? Next week Congress will be introducing new legislation to help combat the epidemic. Congressman T. F. Hokum from Austin proposed the bill, which reads in part: By making it mandatory that every city in the U.S. has a creepy clown,Continue Reading

Did you hear about the students at Pranktown Elementary in Chicanery, Tennessee who created a zombie cat for their science fair project? Students in Ms. April’s fourth grade class love all things zombies. So much so that they set out to create one of their very own. It all startedContinue Reading

I thought we might have a little fun this week, since my previous Photo Fridays seem to mostly be morbid and gruesome (and mildly upsetting, when faced with the truth that the internet is full of lies.) So instead, I want to spend some time on the colorful side ofContinue Reading

Did you know FLIR sells a device that turns your phone into a thermal imager? If you belong to a ghost hunting team, you likely did. I know I’m slow to this party because I don’t “hunt” ghosts that way. However, I’ve always thought the FLIR cameras were neat. WayContinue Reading

Years ago plans were put into place for Haunt Jaunts to also become a radio show. (Oh yes, one year I had  had big plans indeed: radio show, calendar, tons of travel. Ah, those were the good old days.) Anyway, I chickened out of the radio show. I didn’t thinkContinue Reading