Starting this Saturday, guest blogger Psychic Investigator Paul Fitz-George will join Haunt Jaunts as he shares his six part series, “Whitby’s Fascination for the Literati or how Dracula met the Jabberwocky.” (We’re just calling it the Whitby Series.) Mr. Fitz-George caught my attention on a LinkedIn group we both belongContinue Reading

We’re beyond pleased to announce that we’ve added a new contributor to our midst: Lewis Powell IV. If his name looks familiar, that’s because Lewis has contributed guest blogs here before. Specifically, his Haunted Georgia: A Primer series. Lewis Powell IV’s Haunted Georgia: A Primer Series – Part 1 LewisContinue Reading

Have you heard about Week in Weird’s Tin-Foil hat Challenge? In a nutshell, it’s a contest…where you could win a piece of the Amityville Horror House. If you dare own such a thing… Here’s the details from Week in Weird’s site: From now until Sunday, August 21, we’re issuing theContinue Reading

It’s the first day of a new month and you know what that means: time for a new Caption This photo! This month’s pick was inspired by a few Daily and Weekly observances I saw on Brownielocks: National Psychic Day (1st), National Psychic Week (1st-5th), and International Clown Week (1st-7th).Continue Reading

ghost girl sitting in front of a computer or TV

I’m not sure anyone missed it, but earlier this year I took down the Forum. It never really got much action, as far as comments, but it did draw lots of views. Well, actually let me back up. It did get some comments. The spammy kind. Right before I tookContinue Reading

Sincerest apologies for the delay in posting this month’s contest. I meant to schedule it to post in my absence while I was on a two-week jaunt in Alaska, but alas… I didn’t get that far before we left. I knew I was going to have limited Internet access, soContinue Reading

Welcome to this month’s Caption This contest! Here’s all the details you’ll need: How to Play Look at the photo below. Use the comment section to caption it. Be sure to let us know what prize you’d like if you win. (Yes! There are not only prizes, but you getContinue Reading

This month’s Caption This photo comes to us courtesy of one of HJ’s FB followers, James Maxwell. (Thanks again, James, for letting us borrow this fun pic!) How to Play Look at the photo below. (Did you know May is Mystery Month? We thought this photo was a fun choiceContinue Reading

We decided to add a new section to the site: Fun & Games. Why? Why not! Seriously, we love games. We love to have fun. We decided to infuse Haunt Jaunts with a couple of our offline favorite ways to pass time: captioning photos and playing trivia. Caption This ContestsContinue Reading

Welcome to our first monthly Caption This Contest! Every month we’ll post a new photo. (Going forward we’ll post it on the 1st of the month. We’re halfway into this month because we just figured out how to get everything going and were so excited we didn’t want to wait.)Continue Reading

There’s long been talk (more like wishful thinking) that there’d a sequel to the hit 1988 Beetlejuice movie. So will there be, or won’t there be? Beetlejuice 2 If you saw the Wynona Ryder interview with Seth Myers, you probably got excited that she seemed to confirm Beetlejuice 2 wasContinue Reading

Westfield Watcher House

Have you heard about the Westfield “Watcher” house in New Jersey that recently came back on the market? If not, here’s a quick recap: The current homeowners, the Broaddus family, bought the house in 2014 for $1.35 million. They claim that shortly after closing they received a menacing letter fromContinue Reading