To celebrate the release of Shadow People and Cursed Objects, we’re going to give away free copies to all newsletter subscribers. That’s right. FREE! And since it’s available in both paperback and Kindle, it’ll be Subscriber’s Choice. If you prefer Kindle, great. That’s what we’ll give you. Like the feelingContinue Reading

Valentine’s Day was the last day for the Phantom Bodies: The Human Aura in Art exhibit at the Frist Center for Visual Arts. I’ve been meaning to write about the exhibit ever since we went to see it in early December, but…well, between the busy holidays and getting Shadow PeopleContinue Reading

Have you visited our Haunt Jaunts Halloween Scareporium lately? We sort of revamped it for Halloween 2015. Here’s some of what you’ll find: Updated Costumes After a slight site meltdown where 70% of our links went blank, we spent most of September refurbishing the Men’s Costumes, Women’s Costumes, and Couple’sContinue Reading

As I explained today over at the Scareporium and on HJ’s FB page, today we put the finishing touches on the Scareporium. Two weeks ago we noticed a major SNAFU. Broken links littered throughout the site prompting a “Site down! Site down!” fire drill. Ugh. Major headache. I knew IContinue Reading

It’s been a while since I’ve mentioned our Shadow People and Cursed Objects Anthology. I’ve had some inquiries from those who’ve made submissions. I figured it was worth creating an update post to let people know where the process sits: Submissions closed July 31, 2015. The response was overwhelming. Literally.Continue Reading

On December 22, 2014 I had the opportunity to participate in a conference call with Josh Gates about his new Travel Channel show: Expedition Unknown. It premieres January 8, 2015. Introduction He began the call by giving us (“us” being bloggers and reporters) an idea of what the show willContinue Reading

This post is by Steven Rumbelow. For aliens, traveling at the speed of say 7,000,000 miles per hour, it would take about 425 years to reach us from a neighboring star. That’s nothing like the speed of light but the speed is almost beyond our comprehension and it would probablyContinue Reading

I am very excited to announce that Haunt Jaunts will soon be publishing a new series of very interesting, no doubt thought provoking, articles by director Steven Rumbelow. Steven and I met on LinkedIn via The Paranormal Society, a group we both belong to. Every once in a while IContinue Reading

Late last year, I was contacted by a publishing rep at Hyperion to see if I’d be interested in reviewing Wendy Webb’s newest book, The Vanishing, which will be released January 21, 2014. The rep had come across a review I’d written about Webb’s first book, The Tale of HalcyonContinue Reading

Last week I posted a discussion in the forum (“Do you care if ghost tours are artificially enhanced?”) based on an article I read in the Huffington Post (“Chris ‘Knight Guider’ Date, British Psychic, Accused Of Planting Fake Spirit During Ghost Tour”). Here’s a snippet from the article: A BritishContinue Reading

I decided to try something new this Halloween season: once a week feature some things from our Halloween Scareporium. Do you even know about our Scareporium? Yes, it’s the one advertised in our sidebar and has it’s own menu link above. Seems like featuring it for our first Scareporium SaturdayContinue Reading

Rest in Peace Cory Monteith sign on his memorial outside the Fairmont Pacific Rim in Vancouver

Cory Monteith’s death got me wondering about several things, all of which I addressed in the post about his memorial at the Pacific Rim hotel that we saw. Following that post, I got a response via the Contact Us form from a paranormal superstar, Lon Strickler of Phantoms and Monsters.Continue Reading