In April of this year Haunt Jaunts celebrated its fourth anniversary. Unfortunately, since I was taking time off to deal with some new health and, consequently, emotional issues, I didn’t get a chance to celebrate like I normally would have. Today I would like to take a moment to celebrateContinue Reading

This is  a sadly long overdo shout out and BIG thanks to Emily at for hooking me up with my very own Haunt Jaunts T-shirt. I had hoped to order some to perhaps sell but they are based out of the U.K. and, as Emily put it, aren’t reallyContinue Reading

Lately something’s been bothering me, but it wasn’t until a friend share an article with me, which I will discuss below, that I even realized it. I’m a non-ghost hunter. I jaunt to haunted places. I don’t use equipment to investigate the places I travel. My studies are quiet, non-intrusive,Continue Reading

The other day on our Facebook page, a jaunter posted a picture of an “apparition” she “caught” (with her camera, of course, not her bare hands or some Ghostbusters-type contraption) at the La Fonda Hotel in New Mexico. It was intriguing, but an apparition? The skeptic in me wasn’t readyContinue Reading

I’m not sure if 2012 had more mass shootings than any other year, but I felt they were more disturbing than any other year. Maybe because the shootings at the theater in Aurora, Colorado and Newtown, Connecticut were so senselessness. I mean, it wasn’t like the shooters had a personalContinue Reading

Last December, during our trip to Turkey, one of the sites we saw was the House of the Virgin Mary. I’m not a Christian. Partly because I have a hard time believing in the Immaculate Conception. I was pretty ambivalent about whether we saw the Virgin Mary’s house or not.Continue Reading

The other day I got to thinking about who the most famous ghost might be. Maybe because of the time of year. I know it’s the time to celebrate Christ’s birth, however, I can’t think of him without thinking of his resurrection. I was having some such notion when theContinue Reading

If there’s one thing all the hype leading up to 12/21/21 has taught me, it’s how to survive an apocalypse. Here’s what I’ve learned: LESSON #1 The first thing is not to put too much stock into one coming. (Okay, as I admitted in another post about 12/21/12, I sortContinue Reading

When I talk about my ghost hunting excursions with friends outside the paranormal community, a lot of them say how scared they’d be to go to a haunted place. I always think, “What’s there to be afraid of?” After all, ghosts are still mere theories. They haven’t been proven toContinue Reading

Over the weekend I watched a show called “Real Fear.” Or part of the show I should say. I didn’t see the whole thing, but I caught a good chunk of it. The show’s whole title is “Real Fear: The Truth Behind Movies.” This episode was the truth behind StevenContinue Reading

It’s my pleasure to present you with “Laughing Sal,” a Haunt Jaunts original Movie Monday production. It’s been a while since I’ve made a movie. I have lots of footage from past jaunts in my Movies to Be Made queue. However, I’ve been lazy about making any because I knowContinue Reading