In the realm of the paranormal community overall, this little blog of mine is just that: little. However, small as I may be, I feel I have responsibilities. Such as: Playing nice with others. I don’t hesitate to call people out if it’s obvious they’re acting fraudulently, running a scam,Continue Reading

According to a Visionary Living, Inc. article by Rosemary Ellen Guiley, full moons may “dampen” paranormal activity. The earth expands 1/16 of an inch during the full moon’s gravitational pull. The expansion is caused by the movement of magma chambers below the earth’s surface. These movements affect the earth’s magneticContinue Reading

A couple of years ago, I wrote about one of the dark sides of the “Ghost Hunters” effect: lockouts. No, not something Ghost Adventures has made famous, which is lock downs. Rather, lock outs occur when a paranormal investigation group, show, or ghost tour company signs a contract with aContinue Reading

I’m all about jaunts, both conventional and unconventional. Past life regression would definitely fall in the unconventional realm. In a way, it’s not only about discovering your self but also a way to accomplish a sort of time travel. I’m convinced I lived before. When I was nine years old,Continue Reading

As I explained when I wrote about  why it is I’m drawn to the paranormal like I am, I’m truly more of a skeptic than a believer. Our recent jaunt to Turkey has challenged a lot of my beliefs about the paranormal even more. Their history is as vast, storied,Continue Reading

This often shocks a lot of people, but even though I’ve had some personal paranormal experiences, I’m still probably more of a skeptic than a believer. Sure, I often have prophetic dreams. For instance, I dreamt of such biggies before they happened like 9/11, the Virginia Tech shooting, and theContinue Reading

Before we left for Turkey, I knew carpets and Turkish Delight would be popular commodities we’d find in Istanbul. We definitely saw lokum shops everywhere, and by the end of our trip we were expert at dodging the carpet salesmen. But we also found dark blue glass circles with lighterContinue Reading

Well, my first radio appearance as one of the Paranormal Panelists on Soul Chat with Sandiee’s Thanksgiving Special didn’t go as smoothly as I hoped. I didn’t know if I should Skype in or wait to be Skyped in to start. Thankfully Phil cleared me up, moments before Sandiee dialedContinue Reading

For Jaunters who signed up for (and read) our newsletter, they received their first one this past Monday. What was in it? Lots of neat information. If you didn’t sign up for it, no worries. I’ll share the biggest news here, too. You’re just not first in the know…but atContinue Reading

I’m very excited that Wicked Walks creator Diane Rothrock agreed to an interview. I’ve interviewed quite a lot of haunted places authors, but very few ghost tour owners, operators, or guides. And I certainly haven’t interviewed any smart phone app creators. Diane is a combo of all of them: writer,Continue Reading

Some people believe my nature (a.k.a. “soul”) is in danger because I like traveling to places with ghosts. Also, they believe I’m more susceptible to evil energies because I don’t have a religious affiliation. ALL GOOD HEATHENS GO TO HELL It’s been about two years since I’ve had to confrontContinue Reading

This is the second part of an interview with Sharon Day of Ghost Hunting Theories and Julie Ferguson of Above the Norm. In Part 1, I they talked about some of their projects and how they met. In this part they expand on their thoughts about working together, share someContinue Reading